Ek- A Big Happy Family

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It was a chaotic environment. People running here and there. Carrying flower baskets, fairy lights and placing them neatly on their respective places. The whole mansion and the whole pack was decorated with flowers, lights, and many beautiful things. Everyone was rushing to quickly finish the works. Checking again and again so that nothing was wrong.

"Yah! What are you doing? C'mon faster! And you! Hang those flowers higher! And where are the tables!? Why is it not placed yet!?"

"Luna, the tables have just arrived. We are placing them now." Said a worker informing the Luna.

"Okay, but please make it fast."

"Yes, Luna." The worker said as she bowed and left to do her work.

"Oh God, nothing is done yet! How will it all be finished in time? So many works are still left to do! We have such less time now! Oh my God, I'm going to faint like this! How-" The Luna's rambling finally stopped when he felt two arms around his waist and someone placing their chin on his left shoulder, hugging him from behind.

"My Sukkie, relax a bit, will you? Why are you worrying so much?" Hyunsuk turned around when he heard his Alpha's voice.

Choi/Park Hyunsuk, 27 years old. Luna of Treasure Moon pack. An Omega. Married to Park Jihoon for 7 years. A smart and rational Luna. He is the sweetest and kindest but will never tolerate injustice. Jihoon's support system. Eomma of the family. Say one word against him and the others will cut you in pieces and feed it to street dogs.

"How can i not worry Ji? There is so much work! How can I finish everything in time? I don't know what to do! Nothing can go wrong! Everything has to be perfect-" As Hyunsuk again started rambling Jihoon shut him up with a quick kiss.

Park Jihoon, 26 years old, the oldest brother. The playful Appa. A true blood Alpha. Leader of the Treasure Moon pack, which he created on his own. Will do anything for his family and pack. Move a hair of his loved ones and you will never be seen in this world again.

"Yah! There are people!" Hyunsuk whisper shouted while slapping Jihoon's chest. Jihoon just chuckled and said, "So what? Everyone knows you are mine anyway." Hyunsuk just blushed and hide his face in Jihoon's neck.

"I'm so stressed, Ji." Hyunsuk said after staying silent for a while still hugging Jihoon.

"It's okay, Suk. Everything will be perfect. You have worked hard." Jihoon said with a reassuring smile. Hyunsuk now has finally relaxed under his Alpha's comforting touch and words.

"Hyungggggg~~~" Came a boy whining, listening to whose voice the couple parted.

"What happened, Jaehyuk-ah?" Asked Hyunsuk as Jaehyuk grabbed his arm shaking it.

Yoon Jaehyuk, 25 years old, the third brother. An Alpha. Very sweet and nice. Very goofy. Smile brighter than the sun. Crackhead brother no-1. Jokes around a lot. The Mama's boy. Roasted by his mate 24/7.

"Asahi said I'm the most stupid Alpha ever!" He said pouting.

"Because you are." Said the small, pale boy coming from behind Jaehyuk.

Hamada/Yoon Asahi, 25 years old. An Omega. Married to Yoon Jaehyuk for 3 years. A little too savage for an Omega. May seem cold at first glance but is actually very funny. Kind to those who deserves it. Don't do him wrong or you might not see the next sunrise. Roasts Jaehyuk 24/7.

"Aish, Sahi-ah don't say such things to your husband." Hyunsuk said.

"What shouldn't he say?" Said another boy joining the conversation.

"Jaehyuk is complaining about Asahi calling him stupid. You solve this Yoshi-ah."

Kanemoto Yoshinori, 26 years old, the second brother. An Alpha. Has insane duality. Can go from sweet angel to psycho devil. Generally is very nice and kind but if anything happens to his loved ones, no one can stop him from destroying everything.

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