Paas- The Marriage

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They all went inside their respective rooms to finally get ready. Doyoung found his clothes neatly placed on the bed. He wore them and it perfectly fit him. Everyone was ready at the given time. They all got their makeup done. Everyone was ready and were waiting for Doyoung as he was the last one to get the makeup.

Doyoung's Dress
(I don't know if it matches or not. I'm terrible at selecting dresses😭)

Junghwan's Dress

Doyoung was finally done after a few minutes and walked out of the room. All eyes went towards him as he shyly walked towards them. It was the first time he did makeup or made an effort to look good. Everyone was in awe at how good he looked.

And Junghwan? Well, that boy was speechless. His heart skipped a bit as he looked at Doyoung's beautiful face. He stared at the Omega with his mouth open. He just couldn't look away. He looked like the cutest thing in the world. Junghwan took every single detail in.

He didn't notice that the others were now not looking at Doyoung but him. Doyoung's face turned red when he noticed Junghwan's stare. After he stared for what felt like hours, his trace was broken by Asahi closing his mouth.

"I'd hate to break this beautiful moment but we have a very important event to attend." Hyunsuk said, with a smile.

"You can stare at him all you want after we reach there, okay?" Jeongwoo said earning a glare from Junghwan.

"I wasn't staring." Junghwan mumbled.

"Yeah, yeah, you were just checking him out." Jaehyuk said making both Junghwan and Doyoung blush heavily.

"Let's just go!" Junghwan said and sped walked towards the door.

Everyone laughed and with a still very nervous Haruto they went out of the mansion and headed towards the venue.

The family arrived at the wedding venue. It was not very far. Just a 5 minutes walk from the mansion. It was the pack's wedding house. It has both interior and exterior wedding spots. Every wedding in the pack is held here. And for Haruto, they chose the exterior spot, which was a garden full of flowers in front of the wedding house.

They first went inside the wedding house, greeting the pack's members who came here earlier to finish the works. They went inside the groom's room. It was a medium size room with a dressing table for the groom and three extra couches for other peoples.

They all sat down while Haruto was fixing his suit and hair again and again. He just couldn't stay still, walking in circles inside the room. Mashiho sighed as he got up and pulled Haruto to sit between him and Hyunsuk.

"If you keep touching your suit and hair like this, you'll just ruin it." Asahi said who was seated beside Mashiho.

"Hyung, it happens automatically." He answered frowning.

"Ruto, I told you, no need to be nervous. Everything will turn out to be great." Hyunsuk tried to calm the anxious Alpha.

"But hyung don't you think, it's just natural. He'll be nervous even if you tell him a thousand times to not be. Like, when I was getting married, I couldn't stop thinking about the possibilities of Mashi leaving me." Yoshi said just to earn a hard glare from Hyunsuk. Here Haruto's condition was already bad and Yoshi just has to make it worse.

"Uh- I-I I'll go a-and check the f-food." Yoshi said and quickly exited the room. The other Alphas and Yedam also went out to actually check the things.

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