Agharo- Amusement Park

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Days passed by just like that. The family filled with happy moments and laughter all the time. Also the mission of 'Make-Junghwan-Believe-That-Doyoung-Is-His-Real-Mate' was going on full speed with no break. All the members were constantly making some kind of plan to get Doyoung close to Junghwan, most of which were Jeongwoo's plans.

Sometimes they would succeed in their plan but sometimes they'd fail. And that happens everytime Gayeol comes to their house uninvited and ruin everything. She'd come every 2 days and not go until late, making it harder for the plans to be executed.

It has been 10 days since Doyoung arrived and things between him and his mate were still in point 0. There were certain moments when Junghwan's eyes would show something positive for a millisecond, giving Doyoung some hope but everything comes to the starting point again when he sees Gayeol with the Alpha.

Today is Sunday and the family is planning to go for a small family outing to the amusement park. They were all busy being ready and packing their necessities. After some time everyone was all set and ready to go. They all gathered in the living room.

"Ready to have fun yeadara?" Hyunsuk asked and got a loud 'yes' from everyone filled with excitement. They were about to go when,

Ding Dong

"Not again! Did I mention that I hate her?" Jeongwoo groaned.

"You do that like every single day." Asahi replied calmly.

"How are you so sure that it's her? She's a beta. Her scent is not even that strong." Junghwan asked.

"It's a power that I have where I can detect the people I hate from a mile away." Jeongwoo said to which Junghwan just scoffed.

Ding Dong

"Let's just open the door." Yoshi said and was about to go to open the door but Jeongwoo held his arm and pulled him back.

"No. I'm not letting her ruin my day." Jeongwoo said.

"What are you gonna d-" Doyoung was cut off when Jeongwoo started to push all of them at the same time.

"Yah! Yah! What are you doing!?" Asahi said in a little loud voice.

"Shh! Hyung, don't shout!" Jeongwoo whisper yelled.

"But why are you pushing us Woo?" Doyoung asked being sandwiched between Jihoon and Junghwan, facing the older and his back pressing against Junghwan's chest.

"I'll tell you later." The Alpha answered, pushing the rest inside his room. He was about to close the door but remembered something and ran inside Yedam's room. He came back with a spray bottle.

"Yah! That's-" Yedam said, recognising the bottle but Jeongwoo interrupted him.

"I know. That's her." He said as he hastily started to spray it everywhere.

"She hates it when someone touches her things. She'll kill you." Yedam said.

Ding Dong

"She loves me way too much to do that." Jeongwoo said quickly. "Now, I want all of you to keep silent, no matter what."

"Why hyung-"

"I'll tell you later, Hwannie." He said as he put the bottle inside his pocket and closed the door. Then he went to open the main door.

"What took you so long?" Gayeol asked crossing her arms.

"What makes you think I owe you an explanation?" Jeongwoo said, also crossing his arms.

"Can't you say anything normally?"

"I can actually. With a normal person."

"Ugh! Whatever. I'm not here for you anyway." She said making an attempt to go inside but Jeongwoo pulled her by her arm and made her stand infront of him again.

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