Nou- Punishment

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"Aaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!" Hearing the scream of Hyunsuk, the others screamed too, closing their eyes. But when they opened it, there was nothing.

"Hyung! Why did you scream?" Doyoung asked frowning.

"I thought there would be something! So I screamed in advance!" Hyunsuk defended himself.

"Aish hyung, scream when you actually see something. No need to be so advanced. You scared us too." Mashiho said.

"Arasseo arasseo."

"But why is it so dark? Not even a single light is on." Asahi said looking around the mansion. The only source of light was the moonlight that was peeking through the windows and ventilations.

"I can't even smell anyone." Mashiho said.

"Let's check." Junkyu said and was about to step forward when Doyoung clung to his arm.

"Hyung, aren't you scared? Let's stick to each other." Doyoung said. Junkyu chuckled and ruffled his hair.

"There's nothing to be scared of Doyoungie. I'm with you." Doyoung nodded and Junkyu looked at the others and then entered the house. The others following him.

They were walking slowly, being cautious. They reached the living room but then suddenly they felt like something or someone passed behind them. They quickly turned around but there was nothing.

"You felt that too right?" Hyunsuk whispered linking his left arm with Mashiho and right arm with Asahi.

"Yes hyung." Mashiho said, looking around to see if there was someone. But then they again felt like someone passed behind them and when they quickly turned around again, there was once again nothing.

"Who's there?" Junkyu asked even though now he was also scared. But there was no answer.

"Let's switch on the lights first." Mashiho said earning nods from the others.

They all headed towards the switch board which was on the wall near the stairs, slowly and scared, sticking to each other. When they reached there, Asahi tried to switch on the lights but it didn't work. He tried 3 to 4 times but it still didn't work.

"It's not working." He said looking at the others.

"I think the main switch is off." Junkyu said.

"But who would do that?" Doyoung wondered but got no answer.

"Let's find the candles in the kitchen." Hyunsuk said and all of them this time headed towards the kitchen. They entered it and started looking for the candles but couldn't find it.

"Where is it?" Asahi said. They stopped and thought, trying to remember where they put it the last time. Then suddenly Hyunsuk remembered.

"Oh! I put it in the top self." He said. Thanks to Junkyu's height, it was easy to bring it down. They then also found the matchbox. Putting the candles on the counter Hyunsuk attempted to light up the matchsticks but it wasn't lightning up.

"Why is everything happening like this?" Doyoung said making a crying face. Hyunsuk again tried and this time it worked. They sighed in relief. He lit up one candle and held it in his hand. But just as he looked up, a very scary face popped up right infront of him. It was a human shaped thing wearing all black with a horrifying face.

"Aaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!" He screamed, the others joining him when they saw that scary thing.

Hyunsuk let go of the candle and ran, joining the others who started running in different directions. As they were running while screaming, more creatures like the previous one popped up infront of them out of nowhere.

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