Dos- Best Morning Worst Night.

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The morning came, birds singing, soft wind blowing, people starting to rise with the sun and the whole pack glowing in the morning sunlight. The same way Doyoung's soft cheeks glowed when the sunlight hit his beautiful face.

He slowly started waking up, squinting his eyes shut and yawning softly. A moment later when he gained enough consciousness, he felt something hard against his right cheek. When did the pillow become so hard? He finally opened his eyes and looked around. It...doesn't look like my room.

He was confused but suddenly he felt wind blowing above him and when he finally looked up, he came face to face with the Alpha, only to find him already staring at the older Omega. They stared at each other for a moment but then Doyoung broke the moment. And guess what he did?

He started screaming AND kicked Junghwan out of the bed. Yeah, so much for a paper doll. And no, he doesn't know from where he got that much power. Maybe the morning power? But anyway he did that and was still screaming.


"Stop screaming! God!" Junghwan said as he sat up on the floor and Doyoung stopped.

"I-I'm sorry..." He said sitting on the bed and clutching the comforter around his body.

"Why are you screaming? And why the fu-"

"No cursing!" Doyoung quickly cut the Alpha off. Junghwan closed his eyes and took a deep breath and then opened it again, looking at the older.

"Fine. Would you mind telling me why you did the act of pushing me out of my own bed with tremendous force using your leg?" Junghwan said with each word leaking sarcasm.

"Well... that's your fault!" Doyoung said and Junghwan looked at him in disbelief.

"How the fu-"

"No cursing!"

"How did I offend you so much that you had to kicked me!?" Junghwan said, his voice raising with each word.

"Well! You were staring at me!" Doyoung also yelled.

"You were staring too!"

"But you started first!"

"Oh really!?"

"Yeah! You could've just woken me up!"

"Well, I tried! But you didn't move a single inch Mr. Sleeping Beauty!"

"Don't you know how to shake people!"

"So now it's my fault!?"

"Yeah! It is!"

"Well then thanks to you, my arm is numb now! So it's your fault!"

"That's because you didn't wake me up!"

"Why am I being accused like this!?"

"That's becau-"

"What the heck is happening here!?" The door burst open and an angry looking Hyunsuk could be seen coming inside and standing in front of the two bickering mates as his face and body posture perfectly is giving that Asian Mom vibe. And the rest of the family also came after him.

"What happened?" Jeongwoo asked sleepily rubbing his eyes, with a small pout.

"That's what I'm asking! Why are you two shouting this early in the morning!?" Hyunsuk asked glaring at both of the culprits.

"And Hwannie, why are you sitting on the floor?" Junkyu asked pointing at the said Alpha.

"Why don't you ask him hyung? Why I'm here?" Junghwan said glaring at the Omega.

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