Soi- Jealous?

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"Congratulations, Haruto and Junkyu." Choi Seungcheol, the Alpha of a very big and powerful pack congratulated the new couple.

"Thank you, Hyung." Haruto thanked.

"I wish you both to be together till the end."

"Thank you for your blessings, Jeonghan hyung." Junkyu said slightly bowing.

"Now, tell me where my baby brothers are?" Seungcheol said.

"Hyunsuk hyung is over there." Haruto said pointing at Hyunsuk. "And about Yeonjun hyung, I've not seen him yet."

Yes, Seungcheol is Hyunsuk's older brother and Yeonjun is his twin.

"Alright then, you go greet other guests." They then went different ways.

"Alpha Namjoon, Luna Seokjin. I'm glad you both came." Jihoon said welcoming the guests.

"We had to come. We've been business partners and friends for so long. It would not be good if we didn't come." Namjoon said smiling.

"Please, give your blessings to our kids." Hyunsuk said returning the smile.

"Ofcourse, our blessings are always with them. They're such lovely kids." Seokjin said and they continued talking.

"Soobin, how've you been man?" Yoshi asked giving his long time friend a manly hug. "Yeonjun hyung, welcome." He added noticing Yeonjun.

"I've been great. What about you? Do you still get scoldings from your mate for your cheesy self?" Soobin asked teasingly.

"Are you talking about me?" Mashiho said coming beside Yoshi.

"Mashiho, it's been a while." Yeonjun said smiling and hugging Mashiho.

"Yeonjun hyung, Alpha Soobin, it's nice to see you after so long." Mashiho said.

"It's nice to see you too, Mashiho." Soobin said smiling down at him.

"But what were you talking about me?" He asked.

"Yes baby, I was saying how cute and beautiful you look today that I just can't take my eyes off you." Yoshi said side hugging Mashiho, making kissy lips just to get hard nudge on his ribs. "Ow!" Yoshi yelped.

"Please excuse us. We've to go greet the other guests." Mashiho said.

"Sure, but first tell me where are my brothers." Yeonjun asked laughing.

"Over there." Mashiho said pointing at the direction and left, dragging Yoshi.

"Alpha Minho, Omega Jisung, thank you for coming." Jaehyuk said.

"We're happy to be here, Alpha Jaehyuk, Omega Asahi." Minho said.

"Alpha Bangchan and the others didn't come?" Asahi asked.

"They couldn't make it as they had to go abroad for an urgent work. But they sent their blessings for the couple." Jisung answered apologetically.

"Oh, that's a shame. But please enjoy your time." Asahi said and excused themselves to go greet the others.


"It's so boring here. Let's go home mom." Gayeol said.

"We can't leave now. Why don't you go to Junghwan?" Mrs. Yoo said pointing at Junghwan.

"Fine." Gayeol said rolling her eyes and going towards Junghwan.

"Baby~" She clung to Junghwan's arm who was talking with a guest.

"Alpha San, Omega Wooyoung, please excuse me." He said and left them after getting a nod from San.

"What?" Junghwan asked as now they were alone. He didn't like her behaviour infront of the guests but will he say anything? No.

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