Aath- Tour And Tea Time

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"Hwannie, this will be your office room." Jihoon said opening the glass door. Today is the first day of Junghwan to work, after he completed his studies. He was excited to finally be called as a worker rather than a student.

"This looks so good hyung! I can't wait to work here!" Junghwan said going around the whole room, smiling from ear to ear.

"Just wait till you become desperate to get out of here." Jihoon said, chuckling. Well, he too was once excited to work but as we all know this excitement only remains for a while.

"Ayy, hyung, I can do it. You're just old so you get tired easily." Junghwan said with a teasing smile.

"Yah, yah! Whom are you calling old, huh?"

"Ofcourse, it's you. You'll be 27 in a few weeks, remember?"

"So what? Do you know how many employees try to flirt with me even now?" Jihoon said with a proud smirk.

"Really? How many?"

"I don't know. But I know for sure that every unmated worker fancies me." Jihoon said, dreamily as proud as ever.


"Hmm?" Jihoon asked still in his own world.

"I wonder..." Junghwan slowly said, "..what will Eomma do if he finds out that..." Jihoon's eyes widened. Hyunsuk? That little creature is dangerous. His little Sukkie will surely burn down the whole office.

"Haha...my dear brother, Junghwan... aren't you excited to work?"

"I am. But hyung-"

"You should work then. I also have to go now. Okay? Bye."

"Bye, hyung~~" Junghwan waved his hand and smiled in victory. Jihoon was about to go out but stopped at the doorstep.

"Nothing should reach your Eomma's ear." He said, squinting his eyes. Junghwan nodded and make a gesture of zipping his mouth with his thumb and index finger, still smiling.

"Do your best at work." Jihoon then said with a loving smile. That proud smile when parents see their kids established. Junghwan nodded again, his teasing smile replaced with a loving one now.

Jihoon went out and closed the door. He again looked back and sighed. "Guess the kids grew up." Turning back, he headed towards his own office room.

The day passed by like that. Junghwan working with full energy. Making plans, reviewing schedules and knocking on his hyungs' doors when something came up that he needed help with.

The Omegas, on the other hand, did their daily routine at home. Junkyu joining the squad now. After all the works were done, Doyoung was toured around the mainland of the pack. Hyunsuk believed it was a very nice idea to make Doyoung meet the pack members. All the Omegas were walking on the road showing Doyoung the places when they heard a shout.

 All the Omegas were walking on the road showing Doyoung the places when they heard a shout

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