Soiddho- Surprise!

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The mansion was once again beautifully decorated. For our leader, Park Jihoon's birthday party. All the pack members and the main families of others packs were invited to the evening party.

The family was getting ready for the party in their respective rooms, as it'll start soon.

"Tsk tsk, you can't even dress properly, can you?" Hyunsuk said to Jihoon who seemed to have tied his tie in a very wrong way.

"I seriously can't believe you're a pack leader." The Luna said while fixing his mate's tie.

"Ayy Sukkie, I'm so busy handling the pack and business that I don't get time to learn these things." Jihoon said holding Hyunsuk's waist and pulling him close.

"Yeah yeah, whatever." The Omega rolled his eyes.



"We'll be busy in the party for a long time now and we won't get alone time until the party is over."

"What do you want to say, Park Jihoon?" Hyunsuk asked placing his hands on Jihoon's chest and looking him in the eyes.

"I need some energy to stay active in the party."


"Would you mind recharging me with your lips?" Jihoon said with a smile.

"Hmm? Let me think. Should I?" Hyunsuk made a thinking face, then smiled. "I guess, I can do that since it's your birthday."

Jihoon chuckled and leaned in for a kiss, which the Omega gladly returned. They were so invested in each other that they failed to notice the person on their doorstep.

"Hyung I-" Junghwan was about to enter the room but stopped when he witnessed the scene in front of him. He made a disgusted face and started walking back towards his room.

"These old people can't control their desires!" He rolled his eyes. He was busy talking to himself that he didn't notice the person in front him, resulting them to bump on each other and fall on their butts.

"Ahh!" Doyoung winched in pain, rubbing his butt and standing up. Junghwan too stood up and looked at the Omega.

"You okay?" Junghwan asked.


"What are you doing here? And why are you not ready yet?" The Alpha asked noticing that Doyoung was still not dressed.

"I came to take my clothes for the party from Hyunsuk hyung. He said it needed his special ironing." Doyoung answered.

"Oh." Was Junghwan's response. Doyoung was about to walk pass him, as he assumed that the Alpha won't say anything else but he was pulled back by Junghwan holding his arm.

"Wait, wait. Don't go there." Junghwan said.

"Why...?" Doyoung asked, confused.

"Well.... they're having a moment...." Junghwan said, a little hesitant.


"Don't you understand? A moment you know?" Junghwan said again but Doyoung still didn't seem to understand, which annoyed the Alpha very much.

"Aish! They're eating their faces off!" He exclaimed, getting frustrated.

Both of their eyes widened as Doyoung finally understood what 'moment' the oldest couple were having. And Junghwan? He was embarrassed because of the choice of his words. He couldn't simply said they were kissing but no. Well, you can't blame him! He was annoyed, okay!?

"U-umm, y-yeah... right." Doyoung mumbled not knowing what to do. "Can let go....?" The Omega said again as he finally noticed that Junghwan was holding his arm all this time. The Alpha quickly let go of his arm mumbling a small 'right'.

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