Sari- Glazed Donuts

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Hyunsuk woke up as the morning sunlight hit his face. He sat up, streched his arms and looks to his right side to find his Alpha still cutely sleeping. He smiled and leaned down to kiss his forehead. Then quietly got out of the bed and entered the bathroom. After freshening up, he went to wake Jihoon up.

"Wake up, Alpha." He called sitting beside Jihoon on the edge of the bed.

"5 minutes more please." Jihoon mumbled as he pulled Hyunsuk to fall on his chest and hugged him.

"Ayy, how can you set examples for our pack's children if you, yourself are like this?" Hyunsuk said poking his cheeks.

"Don't worry, they'll never see 'this' me. It's only available for you." Jihoon said cheekily smiling and finally opening his eyes just to wink at Hyunsuk.

"Aish, you and your flirty mouth!" Hyunsuk said slapping his mouth lightly. Jihoon pouted and Hyunsuk just kissed those pouty lips. He wanted to pull away but Jihoon didn't let him. After some time of struggling, he finally pulled away and got up from the bed.

"We have no time for this. Did you forget that today is Ruto's wedding? Now get up before I grab my stick." Hyunsuk warned making Jihoon get up immediately and run to the bathroom. Hyunsuk just chuckled at his cute mate.

He then went out of the room to wake Jeongwoo up. Waking him up is a struggle. That boy still has no one to wake him up so Hyunsuk has to do that task. He doesn't even show any interest in getting a mate.

'Why should I worry about meeting my mate? I'll meet them anyway when the time comes. My motto is Single Life Is The Best Life. And moreover I have my family, I don't really need a mate.' That's what he says.

Hyunsuk entered his room and saw him sleeping like a log, as expected. He shook his body trying to wake him up.

"Jeong-jeongie, wake up." Jeongwoo just turned his head to the other side. "Wake up, Woo." When he didn't wake up after calling for 6 times, Hyunsuk used his final weapon.

"Wake up or I'm calling Jihoon." That made him sit straight up on the bed. Hyunsuk smiled and said, "Good. Now go take a shower and get ready." Jeongwoo nodded and sleepily dragged his body towards the bathroom.

Hyunsuk left his room and this time entered Doyoung's room. He saw him sleeping under the covers with only his face outside, while pouting. He looked so cute that Hyunsuk couldn't resist taking a picture quietly. He giggled at the picture and proceeded with waking him up.

"Doyoung-ah, wake up bub." He said caressing Doyoung's cheek. Doyoung opened his one eye and peeked at Hyunsuk. He yawned while streching his arms before completely opening both his eyes. He sat up on the bed and looked at Hyunsuk sleepily.

"Good morning, hyung."

"Good morning~ Now c'mon, freshen up. Your casual wears are already in the closet. After breakfast I'll give you the clothes to wear for the wedding, okay?" Hyunsuk said and Doyoung nodded while getting up from the bed and going towards the bathroom. Hyunsuk had already ordered the clothes for him yesterday night, which will be delivered in a few minutes.

Doyoung entered the bathroom and found a stack of new brushes. He just took a random one and started brushing his teeth. After that he did his morning 'business' and then took a shower.

While taking the shower, he couldn't stop the smile from forming on his face as he remembered how Hyunsuk just woke him up.

'So this is what it feels like to be woken up by someone so softly? Without shouting or kicking? Well, it feels good. Really good.'

After the bath, he wore some casual clothes he found inside the closet and went out of his room. He heard Hyunsuk's voice from the kitchen so he thought that maybe they are making breakfast and started to walk towards it to help them. He saw Jihoon coming out of the kitchen when he was crossing the living room to go there.

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