Tini- Confused Minds And Hearts

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"I had no other option than to bring him here!" Junghwan hissed as he finished telling about the event, glaring at Doyoung.

Doyoung didn't say anything the whole time. He was afraid that Junghwan was going to reject him. He has been waiting for his mate all his life. He was tortured by his own father and other members of the pack. His father wanted an Alpha son but he presented as an Omega. All his life, he had never wanted anything more than to get out of that place.

But he waited patiently, for his mate. To save him from those demons. He always put on a smile thinking, one day his mate will end all his misery. But the situation he has fallen in now is not something he imagined. He didn't know what to do now.

"This can't happen. No one ever had two mates before. One can only have 1 mate. Then...how?" Yedam couldn't help but wonder.

"Doyoung-ah, are you sure that he is your mate?" Hyunsuk asked the boy. Doyoung just nodded his head still staring at the floor.

"What do you mean!? I can't be your mate! What have you done!?" Junghwan shouted at the poor boy, standing up.

"Yah! So Junghwan!" Jihoon again warned him.

"Hyung! He must have done something! I saw his father's face when I told him about me! He must have sent him to harm us! It's a plan!" Junghwan argued.

Among the brothers, Junghwan was the one that argued the most. He didn't disrespect them but he just said what he had to say. True blood Alphas naturally have more anger. But unlike Jihoon, Junghwan couldn't control his anger.

"We don't know the truth yet! You can't just blame him! This may be an exceptional case! Now we only know that he is your mate and you have to be responsible! I warn you, don't be reckless." Jihoon said in an angry voice, also standing up. He was angry that Junghwan was blaming that boy without even knowing the whole truth.

Hyunsuk went towards Jihoon after gesturing Mashiho to go to Doyoung who was now silently crying. What else can he even do? He was powerless and his own mate was accusing him. Mashiho sat beside him and side hugged the boy. Oh, the first time in forever someone hugged him. He even forgot what it felt like to be hugged.

"Calm down." Hyunsuk said rubbing Jihoon's back and made him sit again. "Let's talk about this later. Should we eat first?" He said hoping the high tension in the room will lessen. He didn't want any fight to happen today. Tomorrow was an important day for Haruto and that can't be ruined.

"Yeah, let's eat first. I'm sure everyone is hungry." Asahi said. "Hwannie, go and freshen up."

Junghwan took fast and heavy steps to go to his room upstairs without saying anything. He went inside and slammed the door shut. Jihoon sighed. He was upset with Junghwan's behaviour.

"Mashi, take him to the guest room." Yoshi said and Mashiho nodded.

"Doyoung-ah, c'mon let's go. You will feel better after a shower." Mashiho gently said as he helped Doyoung, whose tears were still not stopping, to stand up and led him to the guest room which was in the ground floor itself. The first time, someone talked to him without shouting, ordering or mocking.

They went inside the room and Mashiho handed him some clothes and showed the bathroom. Doyoung went inside and Mashiho just sat on the bed waiting, just in case he needed something.

Asahi went to the kitchen to prepare the food, while dragging Jaehyuk and Jeongwoo with him. It's not like they didn't have cooks but the Omegas just choose to cook for their family. Maybe if the someday the Omegas are lazy, they'd let the cooks cook.

Yoshi and Yedam went upstairs to Junghwan's room to talk to him and calm him down. While Haruto just sat there thinking, 'This boy looks similar to Kyu hyung.'

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