Dui- Two mates!?

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"Junghwan-ah!" Hyunsuk practically ran towards him and engulfed him in a warm, tight hug. He couldn't stop the tears falling from his eyes. His baby was finally back in his arms.

So Junghwan, 21 years old, the youngest brother. A true blood Alpha. The favourite child. Everyone adores him and spoils him just because they can. He's smart, nice and sweet usually. But has some anger issues. Even though it is rare but they still somehow managed to have two true blood Alphas in the same family.

They pulled away from the hug and Junghwan wiped the tears on Hyunsuk's face.

"Don't cry, eomma." He said smiling down at him sweetly.

"How can I not cry? I missed you so much." He said again hugging him. They just stayed like that.

"Ai hai, my Sukkie. I get that you missed him, but let the others meet him too." Jihoon said lightly pulling Hyunsuk from Junghwan as it seemed like he didn't plan to let go yet.

"Yah! I'm just adoring my baby!" Hyunsuk said lightly slapping Jihoon's arm.

The others came and one by one hugged him, with Mashiho also shedding some tears. They asked him how he was and many more things. They were so busy in themselves that they didn't notice the small figure standing quietly by the door.

Until Yedam finally noticed the person. He called for Junghwan and asked," Who is he, Hwannie?"

That's when the others realised that a small, cute boy was standing there all this time. That's when they also noticed the sweet smell that was lingering under their noses ever since the arrival of the youngest. The boy's scent revealed him as an Omega.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry. I didn't notice you. Please come inside." Hyunsuk exclaimed as he went towards the boy and tried to touch his arm but the boy flinched away. Hyunsuk and the others were a little surprised.

"Oh, you might be uncomfortable. Please come inside." He said again. The others already headed towards the living room with Hyunsuk walking beside the boy who was going a little too slow. Hyunsuk didn't say anything as he thought that the boy might be shy.

They all sat on the big couches in the living room. Hyunsuk looked at the boy as he didn't sit but just hesitantly looking at the floor.

 Hyunsuk looked at the boy as he didn't sit but just hesitantly looking at the floor

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"Take a sit, dear." Hyunsuk said behind him and the boy again flinched making everyone surprise again. The boy looked around the couches and sat on the one near the omegas. Hyunsuk sat beside him keeping some distance.

"What's your name, dear?" Hyunsuk asked in a very sweet voice as not to scare the boy.

"K-kim.. Doy-young." The boy whispered just enough for Hyunsuk to hear.

Kim Doyoung, 23 years old. An Omega. Never received any kind of love all his life but still managed to have a positive mind. Has some fears because of past trauma. He has been waiting all his life for his mate to finally arrive but eventually thought that he had no mate as he couldn't find him till now.

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