Chapter 5. "With Falcon's big ego, you can surely make it."

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Chapter 5. "With Falcon's big ego, you can surely make it."

The night continued. There was a lot of talking and dancing and eating. My phone vibrated again, but then this time when I checked. It wasn't Canary. Jett must have known or something.

dude! where r u? we're in the party of Cancan. show up man!

I replied with a: sitting down. I'm the only 1 wearing a pink bow tie, man! come over.

I sat comfortably, waiting for Jett. Later, I heard two familiar voices behind me. Obviously, it was Jett and Sam. I looked behind me, and it was them indeed. Jett waved at me, and Sam? He gave me the middle finger for no apparent reason. It was just our "friendly" greeting.

"Man, why are you sitting alone? Ya been here for hours?" Jett asked.

"Yeah, dude. I'm bored as fuck," I said. "Celestine's with her girlies and Canary. Didn't wanna interrupt there little party."

"Poor big bird," Sam cooed. "Even Danny ditched us when we came here. Let's get out of here."

We walk out the building, and just hung out on the grassy area like a football place since there were goals, beside it. At first, we just stood there doing nothing at all. Just talking and teasing and laughing. When Sam had an idea of pranking Jett, that's when the 5 year old side of us came out. We would hide from Jett or prank him, and scare the shit out of him. Poor Jett. We sat altogether on the dirty ground, not caring about our suites.

"How's Canary, bro?" Sam asked.

"Nothing. We're just acquaintances."

"Really now. That's hard to believe," Sam said, looking at me ridiculously.

"Trust me. There's nothing going on," I reassured him.

"Whatever floats your boat, big bird!" Sam teased. We laughed at the way he said it. Calling me big bird has always been an inside joke.

We just sat there, pulling out the grass from it's roots and putting them on Jett's hair without him noticing. I pulled out more and threw it on Sam's hair this time. I chuckled at the sight of him. He had grass on his hair, and some falling on his face. Good timing, I thought. He also caught some in his mouth.

"Falcon. You're an asshole." He hissed and glared.

"Good luck with the test," I said when I remembered about the test coming up for us. "I ain't helping you."

"I was just kidding, bro! C'mon, big bird!"

Jett laughed. He probably thought it was really funny seeing Sam asking for help and begging. "Jett, you also have grass in your hair," I said.

Jett brushed his hand through his hair, and knowing we placed a lot on him. "I will fucking beat your asses on Mario Kart," he taunted.

Sam and I looked at him then saluted. "Yes, sir!" Then we laughed.

Sam's phone rang, making us all cringe at how loud the volume was. It was quite peaceful in this field and all of a sudden, his phone blares out loud. How rude. Sam looked at the caller ID then answered it. "Hey, sissy..... we're outside..... okay..... got it, ma'am..... okay, bye."

"What's got your sister's panties twisted?" Jett asked.

"She wants to go home. You know her when she gets bored. Party pooper," Sam explained. "Also, Mr. Devin Claw Falcon, Celest is looking for you."

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