Chapter 7. "Because I wanted to get away from my life at home..."

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Chapter 7. "Because I wanted to get away from my life at home..."

"Hey, Canary. Please speak to us, goodness, you're giving us a hard time. What happened?" Danny asked.

Canary didn't say anything. Actually, she hasn't said anything for the past 10 minutes. Here we are on Sam's porch, waiting for her to calm down. Jett and I have been trying to think of a way to change the vibe into a really happy one, but nothing comes in our mind.

"Why don't we hang out somewhere and cool off there?" Sam suggested.

"Let's watch Insurgent," Canary finally spoke, suggesting to watch a movie instead.

The four of us standing looked at each other like we were communicating through eye contact. I can see in Sam's eyes that he was pissed while Danny and Jett have the why not look. So I guess we will watch.

"Get in the car," I finally said.

I guess we will have to find out what happened to her some other time. She surely doesn't wanna talk about it.

I drove Sam's car with Sam sitting beside me this time. He still has that pissed look on his face. I continue driving until we reached the parking lot. I parked the car, and we all hop off the car and walked together going inside of the mall. Jett and Sam are walking beside me while Danny and Canary are walking ahead of us.

"Dude! Your girl is such a fucking baby. What the heck!" Sam complained.

"Chill, bro" Jett said. "We don't know what really happened, okay."

"Jett is right, Sam, and she's not my girl."

"Whatever," Sam mumbled, but I was still able to hear it.

We continued walking in silence until we all reach the ticket booth. I lined up for us and bought the tickets but of course, Jett has to pay for himself while Sam pays for himself and Danny. I got enough for Canary and I.

"Hey," Canary came up to me. "You didn't have to pay for me you know. I have money in my pocket."

"Keep it and use it for something else," I said with a smile.


"No buts, little bird." I said, and smirked.

"You didn't just call me that. Again."

I shrugged. I looked at her with a smirk playing on my face. I know that that can annoy her easily. Poor little bird, I thought. I just looked at her and didn't move an inch. I'm just stunned by her gorgeous blue eyes. Even though you could see how red she was from crying, her eyes still hold beauty and strength. Oh goodness, what am I saying?

"Hey, big bird," Sam called out. "Stop flirting. Let's go!"

"Oh yeah. Okay," I pushed Canary softly so she would walk ahead of me with Danny. We all went in the cinema and waited for the movie to start.

"Hey, you guys have popcorn?" Jett asked.

"Dude, you buy for yourself," Sam said to him.

I looked at Jett and gave him an apologetic look. I knew Sam didn't mean to say that. It's just that he's really annoyed or irritated right now. He's weird like that.

"You want some, Devin?"

"Yeah, man. Get me some coke too."

Jett left. I hope Sam cools down. This idiot is too out of his mind.

• • • • •

"It's good that your parents allowed you to go with us." Danny said.

I called Mom a few minutes after the movie to tell her I'm not going back. I explained to her what was going on so she said it was fine. I'm glad I have parents like them. I couldn't imagine having a mom and a dad of the opposite personality and attitude.

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