Chapter 5

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Billie's P.O.V
I'm not sure what time I fell asleep but I wake up realizing it's way past eight o'clock. Shit I'm late! I jump up quickly and run to the bathroom getting ready. Mr. Rutherford is probably furious. I put on my maid outfit grab my purse and rush out the door. I speed down the road praying that he'll forgive me. Ten minutes later I arrive. I run to elevator. I know people are looking at me weird but I don't care. I rush to his office and immediately notice a sign it's not just a piece of paper either it's a golden plack. No loud noises! My heart literally melts, he made that just for me. I really appreciate the sentiment but I know I'm trouble. I slowly open the door seeing him smoking a cigarette at his desk. "I'm so sorry sir I didn't set an alarm, an-" "I love excuses please keep going" he says interrupting me. I blush in embarrassment and look down. "P-Please don't fire me" I mumble pathetically. "Oh I could never fire you Miss O'Connell you're too sweet but I don't tolerate tardiness so I will be reducing your pay by ten dollars an hour for two weeks" he says. "N-No please I really need the money sir you don't understand how much ten dollars will impact me" I explain. "Well you impacted me by not showing up on time so this is what you get" he spats.

I start crying hoping he's not watching. This sucks so bad, why am I so stupid? I go to the closet pulling out the cleaning supplies from yesterday. I literally can't stop crying though and it's not just about the money I also feel like I let him down. I'm a people pleaser so confrontation and people being upset with me doesn't go well. I can feel him staring at me. "Miss O'Connell why are you crying so badly?" He asks. "B-Because you're disappointed and mad at me!" I bawl like a baby. His face softens and he pulls me against him. "No I'm not it's all ok sweet girl" he says softly. I finally wrap my arms around him giving into the hug. He smells good today, I love the cologne. Is it bad that I just want to stay like this? "I won't reduce your pay Miss O'Connell just promise me you'll be more prepared next time" he says. "I will sir, thank you" I respond softly. We pull away and I get back to working feeling a little better. I can't help but think about our texts last night. He whipped another woman all because of me. I feel so guilty. "M-Mr. Rutherford did you actually whip Amelia yesterday?" I ask. "Yes" he responds not looking at me. I feel bad for those girls, they might be mean but being whipped sounds awful.

"Y-You don't have to punish these girls because of me. I'll never be on their level I'm just a stupid maid" I say. He doesn't respond. He's so frustrating. I roll my eyes and continue working. I grab a feather duster and begin dusting all of his pictures and decor giving up on talking to him.

Mr. Rutherford's P.O.V
If anyone else would've showed up late I would've made sure they received a real punishment but I couldn't do that to sweet innocent Billie. When she started sobbing because she thought I was mad at her my heart broke. I just want to coddle her forever. She's currently dusting and turned around so she's not facing me. I get another view of her perfect ass. Fuck I just want to bend her over and spank her for being such a tease.

Lord forgive me but I'm about to test my limits. "If you don't figure out a solution for covering your ass I'll have no choice but to spank it" I say. I quickly catch her attention. She turns around and her cheeks are bright red. "S-Spank me? Like with a whip? I'm sorry sir please don't hurt me I'll figure something out" she says frantically. She's so damn innocent. I just chuckle at her. "It's just a joke sweet girl I'd never hurt you" I say trying to relieve her. She seems to calm down and then immediately starts working again. Should I ask her on a date? Would she even say yes? Shes scared of me which makes this very difficult. I like to be intimating but not scary. "Have you ever dated anyone?" I ask. "Y-Yes sir I've only ever had 2 boyfriends, I dated one for two years and the other for three" she says softly. I don't like the thought of her being with someone else. "What led to your break ups?" "T-They wanted to do things that I didn't and unfortunately I just threw in the towel" she explains. I have to claim her now before someone else even gets the chance. "Miss O'Connell would you please come to dinner with me tonight?" I ask. She gives me her full attention. "L-Like a d-date?" she asks. "Yes" "oh umm sure" I chuckle at her nervousness.

"Perfect, I'll pick you up at seven" I say. She just nods her head yes. I cant wait to be alone with her.

Billie's P.O.V
I can't believe he asked me on a date. How can I say no I mean he's extremely attractive literally the definition of a sex symbol. I still don't understand why he likes me though I'm nothing like his other girls. What is so special about me?The rest of the day actually went by quickly and smoothly. "Remember I'll be there at seven don't keep me waiting" he says with a smirk. "I won't sir, I'll be ready" I say softly. I leave his office immediately heading to my car. I start it and begin the drive home. My mind swirls with multiple thoughts. What do I wear? He's taken a liking to my ass maybe I should wear a short dress to tease him a little. But what if he gets upset with me? I don't want to disappoint him. I really crave his validation and I can't figure out why. I literally melt when he calls me a good girl. I wonder if he's gentle during sex? If he enjoys praising his partner? I bite my lip at the thought of us in bed together. I try to shut my mind off the rest of the drive home.

Once I finally arrived I immediately go to my closet finding my dress. It's black and short. I think I'll pair it with some pearls and black heels. This is definitely out of my style realm but I want to look good for him. I put everything on before heading to my vanity to fix my make up. I look really good I hope Mr. Rutherford likes it. I grab my purse and wait on him to arrive.

Mr. Rutherford's P.O.V
I'm so excited to see her. I know she only left about an hour ago but I'm dying to see her pretty face again. I'm taking her to the fanciest restaurant in New York, I dine there often so I had no problem getting a table reserved in a private area. I don't want anyone around us. The moment I'm off of work I go home to grab my favorite suit, I want to look extra good this evening. I spray on some cologne and go pick out a car. I decide of my Rolls Royce I think she'll like it. I get in and begin the drive to her apartment. My phone helps me find the address. Suddenly I enter a rougher part of the town. I knew she said she was desperate for money but I didn't think she lived in such a poor area. I'm definitely going to change that she will live with me in my mansion away from harm. I pull up to the front and see her in a tiny black dress, fuck no! She smiles before opening the door.

"What are you wearing?" I ask with attitude. "A-A dress I thought you would like it" she says. "Well I would love it if we were in private but I'm taking you out and everyone will be gawking at you and I don't like that" I explain. "Sorry but this is what I'm wearing" she snaps back. She's lucky she isn't mine yet an attitude like that would definitely get her a spanking. "Go change please" I say. "Uh no I already told you this is what I'm wearing" she spats. "Miss O'Connell go change out of that piece of fabric before I take care of it myself" I say sternly. She rolls her eyes and slams my door before going back inside. She's going to have to learn who's in charge or else that cute ass is going to be spanked red daily.

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