Chapter 7

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Billie's P.O.V
I wake up in complete darkness and in an unfamiliar place. I start to freak out but then I remember I'm at Jesse's house. I fell asleep in his bed, he's probably so pissed. I finally get up and guide myself to the door. I walk out of his room and to his living room. He's asleep on the couch. I took over his bed and left him to sleep on the couch, that's really shitty. I have no way to get home without a waking him and I would feel really bad about that. I'll just call an Uber. I look at the time, it's three a.m. damn it's early. I curl up on his loveseat waiting for my Uber to arrive. I'm not trying to be weird but I just stare at him. He looks so peaceful sound asleep. He really is so handsome I can see why all the girls are such a fan. Suddenly he starts to stir. He immediately sits up looking at me "Billie are you ok?"  He asks groggily. That's so hot. "Yes I just didn't want to wake you I have an Uber on the way" I say softly. His eyes widen. "No cancel it now you're not having a stranger pick you up at three in the morning I don't trust that!" He says sternly. "It's ok he's just taking me home" I reply. "It's not happening Billie you need some more sleep. I'll gladly take you home tomorrow morning but for now get your cute ass back to bed" he says.

"O-Ok but I'll sleep on the couch you shouldn't have let me take over your bed" I say. "No, now go back to bed before I make you" he says sternly. I sigh in frustration he's so demanding. I go back to his huge bed. I'm still in my jeans and sweater which is so uncomfortable. I'm not tired anymore and there's no way I'm going back to sleep in this outfit. I play on my phone for a little bit hoping I'll start to feel tired again.

Jesse's P.O.V
Thank god I woke up when I did. I can't believe she tried to call an Uber, hasn't she heard the terrible stories about them? I can't even imagine someone taking her away. I shake off my negative thoughts and go to my room making sure she's asleep. I walk in to her being wide awake scrolling on her phone. " Not tired?" I ask. She gasps from me startling her. "No and I'm super uncomfortable in this outfit" she pouts. "I can change that" I say walking over to my closet turning on the light. I grab a huge t shirt and walk over to her. "Wear this you'll feel so much better" I say handing it to her. "No it's ok I'll be fine" "I insist Billie go put this on and be comfortable. Sleeping in jeans is a crime" I reply. She finally gets up going to my bathroom to change. She's so stubborn but I secretly love it, it gives me more of a reason to punish her in the future. I really want her to get some more rest so I hope she'll finally be comfortable enough to go back to sleep.

Minutes later she comes out of the bathroom crossing her arms over her chest. My shirt practically swallowed her. "Is that better?" I ask. "Y-Yes I just feel a little exposed" she replies. "It's ok I'm not looking I promise" she crawls back into bed getting under the blanket I gave her. "Good night sweet Billie" I say before turning around to leave. "Wait don't leave will you please come cuddle with me it's nothing serious I just really enjoy human contact especially when I sleep" she says shyly. Did she really just ask me that? Someone pinch me because this has to be a dream. "Of course I'll snuggle with you" I say. I get in bed and she immediately scoots closer to me. "You're so warm" she whispers. I chuckle and continue holding her close. She starts drifting to sleep in a matter of minutes, I knew she was still tired she was just being stubborn per usual. Finally all I hear is her peacefully breathing. I can't believe I'm actually holding her right now. I knew she was a small girl but she feels so tiny in my arms. I sneak a quick kiss on her head before closing my eyes and falling asleep with her.

The next morning I wake up to Billie practically buried in my chest. She wasn't lying about human contact I'm surprised the poor girl hasn't suffocated herself. I very carefully pull myself away trying not to wake her. I want to make her a good breakfast especially since she didn't eat last night. I successfully make my way to the kitchen and begin cooking.

Billie's P.O.V
It wasn't a dream, I actually slept at my bosses house then I remember him sleeping with me. Why am I like this? Those girls at work are going to kill me when they find out. I need to leave immediately and cut off whatever we have going on it isn't right. We hardly know each other. I grab my clothes out of the bathroom and rush to the kitchen. "Take me home Jesse. We should've never done this. I should've never agreed to this!" I say frantically. He turns around looking at me concerned. He looks so fucking good damnit. He walk closer to me making me back up until I hit a wall. Our faces end up inches apart. My breathing hitches and I can't help but look into his dark seductive eyes. He reaches out to cradle my face with his rough hand. "Everything happens for a reason and if you didn't come here I wouldn't have been able to do this" he says before locking his lips with mine. I instantly melt. I drop my clothes and he pushes his body closer to mine taking full control. He easily dominates the kiss making me moan softly. I never imagined his lips to be so soft and addicting but I feel like I can't get enough. He pulls away leaving me breathless. He smirks and walks back over to the stove continuing to cook. It started to sink in that we actually just kissed. HOLY SHIT WE KISSED! I liked it, I didn't want it to stop. Oh god I'm falling for him. I'm falling for my boss!

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