Chapter 9

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Billie's P.O.V
When I got out of the shower I saw a text from best friend Zoe.
Zoe: We should go to The Myth tonight!

I really wanted to go to Jesse's club but the Myth is so fun.

Billie: Yes that'll be so fun!

Zoe: 9:00?

Billie: works for me!

Zoe: see you then!

Tonight is going to be so much fun. Since I couldn't wear my dress to Jesse's and I's date I'm wearing it tonight. It's cute and I look good in it. I better text Jesse and tell him I'm not coming to his club tonight.

Billie: Hey I'm just going to stay in tonight have fun though see you Monday

Jesse: No worries get some rest sweet girl
Uggg I love when he calls me that. He is making me fall in love with him. I feel bad lying to him but I can't let him know I'm partying tonight he definitely wouldn't like that....

Time skip

Zoe will be here in thirty minutes so I need to finish up my make up. I put on lip gloss then touch up my hair. I look really good no doubt I'll get a lot of attention tonight. I just hope Jesse doesn't find out he'll be so mad especially because I'm wearing my dress. He doesn't own me though and I'll do whatever I want. I grab my purse and fill it with my essentials before sitting on the couch to wait on Zoe. Finally she arrives. "Are you ready to party your ass off?!" She says excitedly. "Yes I'm definitely in need of a good time" I say. "I'll call us an Uber" she suggests. Jesse would kill me if he found out, he was so pissed off last time. "Yeah that's fine we can split the cost" I say. She orders us an Uber and we wait in my apartment. "Bils you look so hot!" She exclaims. I giggle, "Thanks! I've been so excited to wear this dress but girl so do you!" I say. Finally our Uber arrives. We both get in and let the driver take us to the myth. I want to tell Zoe about Jesse but we're not together so truthfully I shouldn't mention him. "Girl we have to find you a man tonight" Zoe says excitedly. "I'm not worried about men right now Zoe" I giggle. "They're all going to be love with you B, I mean just look at you!" She gushes. I giggle and roll my eyes playfully. We finally arrive and tip our Uber before going up to the line. I instantly cross my arms over my chest. It's kind of cold tonight.

Ten minutes later we finally get inside. The music was loud and there were people drinking and dancing. "Let's go get a drink" Zoe suggests. I agree and walk over to the bar ordering us both a strawberry vodka drink. "Let's go dance Bil" Zoe says grabbing my arm and pulling me to the dance floor. They always play the best music so Zoe and I dance our asses off to every song. I have to say this is probably better than Jesse's club.

Jesse's P.O.V
The neon party has finally begun and this place is packed. I really wish Billie were here with me we would have had a good time together. I can't wait to show her off to everyone, she's so close to becoming my girl. I decide to check my tracking app just to make sure she's at home and safe. But the second I see where she is my eyes widen and blood boils, she's at the Myth which is one of the most popular nightclubs in New York. She lied to me, that little brat! I'm furious right now, so furious that I'm going to go get her. I don't tolerate liars. I storm out of my club and immediately to my car. My blood is still boiling. Just the thought of her partying and dancing on other men pisses me off beyond words. Doesn't she know that she is mine?

Billie's P.O.V
I don't know how many drinks I've had but I'm definitely drunk. I can't walk straight and everything is spinning. I don't know where Zoe is and I'm scared. I stumble around accidentally running into somebody. "You ok beautiful?" Some random guy asks. I nod my head yes and try walking away but he snatches my wrist. "Dance with me pretty girl" he says. He forces my ass against his crotch making me dance on him. I can't do anything about it either I'm too messed up.

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