Chapter 8

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Jesse's P.O.V
I finally claimed those soft plump lips. It was well worth the wait she's literally perfect. If her lips are that good I know "other things" will be incredible. I just have to take it slow everything is going perfectly so far. I can't screw this up, I can't scare her away. I look over and see her still standing against the wall with bright red cheeks. "Come eat love" I say. She nods her head no. "Take me home" she says sternly. Damnit I moved to quick and now she hates me. "I promise you I will take you home but you need to eat. You didn't eat dinner and now you're refusing breakfast, that's not healthy" I say sincerely. "I don't care Jesse take me home!" She says raising her voice. She's pushing my buttons bad. I'm trying to be patient but she's really pushed me to my limit. I get up immediately going over to her. She starts shaking. "Don't raise your voice at me! Look I'm sorry about the kiss I shouldn't have done that please forgive me. But please eat your breakfast it will make both of us feel better" I say.

She looks up at me with tears in her eyes. She always looks so innocent. "I-I'm sorry, I'll eat but please don't yell at me" she trembles. Shit I forgot she has a hard time with loud sounds. I pull her into my arms embracing her. She melts into it and rests her head on my chest. "Sorry sweet girl I won't be so loud next time" I say softly. I give her a kiss on top of her head and rub her back. She stopped shaking and was no longer crying. "Will you please eat for me" I ask. She nods her head yes. "Thank you" I say leading her over to the table. She sits down and begins eating. "After this I'll take you home I don't expect you to work weekends unless you really want to" I say.

"I probably won't work this weekend but I'll take whatever hours you give me" she replies. I smile and start eating too. We end up eating in silence it's definitely awkward between us. I still don't know if she enjoyed the kiss. I want to ask but I'm scared to.

Billie's P.O.V
I don't know what to think. I like him a lot, he's an asshole sometimes but the way he's so gentle and caring with me makes me want him bad. The other part of me knows he's dangerous and I should just stay clear of him. He has a lot of women interested and who am I to ruin that for them. I should probably cut this relationship off but I also crave his presence. The fact that he was worried about me eating makes my heart melt. No one has ever cared for me the way he does. "Billie you're spacing out, are you ok?" He asks. I get back to reality and smile while nodding my head yes. I finally finish eating my breakfast. He knows how to cook that was by far one of the most delicious meals I've ever had. I grab my clothes off of the floor putting my jeans back on then slip my shoes on. "I'll return your shirt soon" I say softly.

"No worries you can keep it if you want" he says. I'll definitely keep it then it smells just like him. "Are you ready to go?" He asks. "Yes" I reply. We go to his garage and he picks a different car this time, it's a Lamborghini. He opens the door for me and I get in. What a beautiful car. He gets in the drivers seat and begins driving me home. "Just so you know I'm walking you up to your apartment" he says. I know better than to argue so I agree. I like that he's so protective. "Anything fun happening at the club tonight?" I ask just to make conversation. "Yes every Saturday night we do a theme tonight is neon theme" he says. "That'll be fun" I reply. "You can come if you want to I'll be there" he says. "I might I'll have to think about it" he nods his head in approval and we finally arrive. He parks his car and we both get out. He immediately grabs my arm protectively. He definitely hates me living here. We go up the stairs and reach my apartment. I unlock the door and we go inside. "You can hang out with me if you want to I'm just going to shower" I say.

He chuckles, "You could've showered at my place" he says crossing his arms. "Yeah but all my products are here and I have a specific routine" he chuckles again. "Oh sweet Billie you have no idea how adorable you are" he says. I immediately blush again. He pulls me into his arms hugging me before giving me a forehead kiss. "You be a good girl tonight, understood?" He says. I feel butterflies in my stomach. Oh to be his good girl. "Ok dad" I say playfully. "I mean it, I want you safe so don't do anything that would upset me" he says sternly. Why do I like this so much? I'd tell anybody else to fuck off. "I'll be safe don't worry" I say reassuring him. "Good girl I'll see you later. Text me if you need anything I'm always here" he says. "I will bye Jesse" I say. "Bye sweet girl" he responds. He leaves and I immediately lock the door. I put my back against it and sink down. I can't keep liking him I just can't. I get up and immediately go to my shower. There's nothing that soothes me better than a hot shower. I let the water take over my body calming me down a bit. I wonder if I should go to his club tonight just to see him.

Jesse's P.O.V
I know I sound insane but while Billie was sleeping last night I installed a tracker on her phone. I don't want anything happening to her and as long as I can prevent it I will. I really hope she decides to come to my club tonight I'm already craving her again.

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