family dinner

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Dilemma - duh•leh•muh
a situation in which a choice has to be made between possibilities that will all have results you do not want.


Vivienne Leclair

What makes someone perfect? Looks? Intelligence? Strength? Empathy? Compassion?

The truth is, there's no such thing as "perfect", nor will there ever be. But that's sure as hell not going to stop me from trying.

The shingles on the roof scratch against the my legs as I sit atop my parents mansion, but I don't move. The sun almost blinds me with it's colorful sunset. I'm taking in the final moments in the South of England before I set off to attend my final year at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry tomorrow morning. It's typically cloudy and rainy most of the time here, but on this specific evening, the sky is particularly beautiful.

"Vivienne!" My mom calls out. I'm not allowed to be on the roof, so I quickly scamper back through my window, swinging my feet across the windowsill and landing safely on the floor.

"Coming!" I shout. Tonight my family is having dinner with my boyfriends family. We do this frequently. Our parents have been friends since their time together at Hogwarts.

I walk down my grand staircase and am greeted by my mother fixing her lipstick in the mirror of our foyer. She's an exceptionally beautiful woman, with golden blonde hair and hazel eyes. I take after my mother in almost everything. I have her lean figure and blonde hair, however, I attained my fathers blue eyes.

My father is a highly esteemed member of "The Order", a group dedicated to protecting the Wizarding World from Lord Voldemort and his dark magic. It's a busy job, so he isn't home very much. I don't mind this because he's still there for me when I need him, but he does miss out on all the little things. My mother on the other hand, is always there. Perhaps even too much...

She's very involved in my life is what I'm trying to say. I could even say she's living vicariously through me. I don't know why though, she seems to be successful enough on her own. Stay at home mom, the wife of a very wealthy and influential wizard, beautiful, intelligent, charming... she really has it all. She keeps a close eye on me to make sure I don't step out of line. This is her way of letting me know she cares for me, I assume.

"Vivienne, what are you wearing?" She looks me up and down. I look down at my white silk tank top and beige colored trousers, wondering what's wrong with them.

"What's wrong with my outfit?" I question. I seriously thought she would like this one, it's professional.

"Just go put on a dress." She pinches the space between her eyebrows and motions me towards the stairs.

"And some lip gloss!" She shouts as I begrudgingly walk up the stairs and close the door to my room with a huff.  I can never seem to please her.

I put on a blue sundress that extends to just above my ankles. This should be acceptable. Girly, classy, and simple. Exactly how my mom likes it. I quickly sit down at my vanity and apply a cherry flavored lip gloss as well.

I love my mom... but I'm glad I get time away from her when I'm at school. There's only so much critiquing I can take from her before I start to get self conscious.

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