hogwarts princess

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                Vivienne Leclair
I wake up with strong arms wrapped around me, protecting me from the chill air of my dorm.

I groggily take in the sight of Mattheo laying next to me. The first light of November shines on his face through the curtains of my dorm.

I woke up fully clothed, but Mattheo's shirt somehow ended up on the floor.

My thoughts circle back to last night. The fight at the party, the argument I had with Briar, and of course...


After I tended to his cuts and bruises, I asked him to stay with me for the night. I felt very alone after the hurtful betrayal of my boyfriend, and Mattheo's presence was enough to calm me.

We didn't do anything, of course, because we were both drunk and... it's just not like me to do that.

So he held me as we fell asleep. I'd never felt safer.

Although innocent, it still feels wrong. Well, it's supposed to feel wrong...

But it doesn't.

Being in his arms feels right. It feels exactly like where I'm supposed to be.

It pains me to think of how people perceive him as this awful, evil person, when he's just a boy with so much love and nowhere to put it. They just don't care to look deeper than the surface.

And I'll admit, I was scared of him at first too, but I had the decency to give him a chance. That's what sets me apart from other people.

But they don't see the twinkle in his eye. They don't see his strength and bravery. And maybe they never will, but that's their loss.

I feel the arms around my waist tighten around me, and take in the scent of cologne as Mattheo nuzzles his face into my neck.

"Good morning sleepyhead." I say softly, turning around to face him and brushing the curls out of his face.

"Good morning beautiful." He croaks through his morning voice.

Could this man get any hotter?

"It's time for breakfast, Matty."

"Five more minutes." He groans.

I roll my eyes and attempt to get out of bed, but as I turn over and try to get up, Mattheo roughly pulls me back into his arms.

"I'm serious Mattheo! I don't want to miss breakfast." I say.

This just makes him smile.

"You're so cute when you're mad." He responds.

I huff and try to shove his hands off of me, but he grabs my wrists and flips me on my back, hovering over me.

His bed head looks so cute.

"I think I can wait five more minutes..." I say, tracing my fingers along his bicep.

He smiles and leans down, brushing his lips against mine whilst maintaining eye contact.

I place my hands at the back of his hair, twirling my fingers through it.

He closes his eyes and softly groans at the feeling before connecting his lips with mine.

Mattheo continues to passionately kiss me, hovering above me and being careful not to crush me. My heart swells at his gentleness, but the moment is killed when the door swings open with a loud crash.

D I L E M M A x Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now