halloween party

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"Boo!" Briar shouts as he approaches me at the Gryffindor table.

We're all eating the annual Halloween Feast in the Great Hall.

I roll my eyes at Briars attempt to scare me. The Halloween spirit lingers in the air, excitement bubbling in anticipation for tonight's party, hosted by Slytherin.

With the party being hosted by Slytherin, I'm very sure that Mattheo will be in attendance. I try not to let that thought consume me, but I'm praying I have the strength to stay away from him.

Who am I kidding? I'll have to work harder than ever to keep myself in check tonight.

I push my thoughts aside for the time being.

Briar gives me a quick kiss on the cheek and sits down next to me.

"What's everyone's costume for tonight?" Emmett asks, taking a bite out of his cauldron cake.

Briar and I are going as a Prince and Princess. His idea. Nevertheless, I get to wear a tiara, so I'm happy.

"Emmett and I are going as Zombies." Alice giggles.

"I can't wait to see!" I smile.

The Hogwarts Halloween party is something you don't want to miss. Students go all out for Halloween. Not many parties throughout the year ever top the Halloween party.

The Halloween party is one of the only all-house parties throughout the year, with each house bringing their own specialty. Hufflepuffs bring the muggle weed, Ravenclaws bring the psychedelics, also known as drugs, Gryffindors bring the alcohol, and Slytherins bring... well, everything.

"Who's ready to get drunk?" Cormac asks. "Alice, you got the firewhiskey?"

"Yes." She shoots a glare at Cormac. "And how many times do I have to tell you to not call me Alice? It's Ali."

Cormac raises his hands in surrender. "Jeez, sorry."

Alice prefers to go by Ali. She says it just 'fits her better', which is true, but I feel like there's more to the story. I've never pried her for an answer though.

It takes a lot of coercing to get Ali to open up. If you ask around, you'll hear people talk about how energetic and cheerful she is, but being friends with her my whole life has let me see into who she really is.

Her parents are controlling, but not quite as controlling as mine. Her father works with mine at the Ministry and the Order. Her mother is an Auror, a law enforcement officer who fights Dark Wizards. Ali has her mother's strength. And stubbornness.

Her parents are rarely home, always being at work. Ali and her sister Kellina were taken care of by an array of nannies throughout their childhood, but the fact of the matter is that Kellina was the one who raised her.

Not in the sense of actually taking care of her, but making her into the person she is. Teaching her right and wrong, showing her everything there is to know, and of course, giving her a personality.

Alice and Kelli are two peas in a pod. They are carbon copies of each other. Kelli graduated from Hogwarts two years ago, but while she was here, she was a force to be reckoned with. She was a fantastic Quidditch player, and the only person cooler than Ali.

Now she works at St. Mungo's Hospital studying to be a physician. She's still the coolest person I know.

Briar stands up from the table. "Alright mates, I've got some work to do before the party, so I'll be going now."

He picks up his things and leans over to me. "I'll meet you at your dorm at say, 10:00?"

I nod and smile lightly. I watch as Emmett kisses Ali goodbye, and the three boys exit the Great Hall.

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