school paper

330 4 13

Vivienne Leclair

I sit up in my bed and slam my fist on my alarm clock to shut it off. The first day of my last year at Hogwarts has arrived and I couldn't be less enthused.

I look over to see Alice sound asleep. I muster up the motivation to enter the bathroom and get myself ready for the day.

This year determines the rest of my life. If I excel, my future will be in a good place. And if I fall behind... I'm set up for failure. This seems like a lot of stress for a 17 year old, but that's just the cards I was dealt.

After I do my hair and brush my teeth, I put on my uniform and robe and walk out of the bathroom. I notice that Alice is awake, but I decide to go to class and just meet her in the Great Hall for lunch later. I don't have time for breakfast this morning.


"A seventh year journalist. I must say, I'm surprised you've stuck with it for this long." Professor Vector says, rummaging through her filing cabinet.

"Is that supposed to be an insult, Miss?" I ask, timidly. I didn't think Professor Vector would be the type to insult me, but her tone was quite serious, so I just had to ask.

"Oh not at all! It's just that most students stop participating in writing the school paper by seventh year. Too much responsibility, I assume." She states. I lightly exhale, relieved.

"As a seventh year, you have more freedom with what you choose to cover. I'm sure you'll make it great, Vivienne. You always do." She smiles at me. My chest fills with light after hearing these words.

"So what are you thinking of covering?" She asks. I hadn't thought about my first story yet. Usually I would have a few days to get started, but I guess now that I'm a seventh year, I have to step it up.

I come up with a quick response.

"I was thinking of covering the Gryffindor Quidditch team, a simple story of some behind the scenes things."

"That sounds lovely. Now I would like to get the paper out as soon as possible, so please get to work quickly." She states. I nod my head.

Students start filling into the classroom so I go and take a seat close to the front. Arithmancy is not a very popular class, usually only Ravenclaws take it. It is a difficult subject, focusing on the magical properties of numbers. But I pride myself in my academic achievement, so I don't mind a challenging class.

Professor Vector stands up from her desk and walks towards the board at the front of the classroom.

"Hello students, I'm glad to see all your faces in here today. I'm going to start by taking attendance." She calls out names one after the other.

"Alfred?" She calls.



"Here, Miss."

"Vivienne..." She looks at me. "is here." She smiles, checking off my name on her clipboard.

"Mattheo?" She says.

No response.


What business does Mattheo Riddle have taking this class? He does not strike me as someone who would be interested in Arithmancy.

Must be a mistake.

I brush off my confusion and take out my textbook.

She finishes taking attendance.

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