hogsmeade day

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"Red or black?" I ask Briar, holding up two hangers with different colored sweaters.

Today is the first Hogsmeade outing of the year, and the school is bustling with excitement. Students in third year or above get to venture into the nearby town for a full day of non-school related activities.

"White." He responds.

"You're no help." I roll my eyes and throw down the sweaters. I enter my closet and grab a white sweater, pulling it on over my head. "Better?" I say, walking out of the closet.

"Yes." He stands up from the couch and gives me a kiss on the cheek. Wearing a white sweater, jeans, and brown wool top coat, I'm ready for the day.

Briar likes it when he gets to pick out my clothes, so I give him options to choose from. It makes him feel important.

"Can we finally leave now?" Alice asks, impatiently. Briar and I excuse her sassy comment, and Alice leads us down to the front of the school where the rest of the students are waiting.

She finds Emmett and he immediately smiles once he catches a glimpse of her.

Only an idiot couldn't realize the obvious feelings those two have for each other. I've been too preoccupied with my own stuff to really talk to Alice about her and Emmett, but I'm pretty sure she's still in denial about liking him.

She's not used to having romantic feelings.

I'm glad it's Emmett though, instead of Cormac, or any other asshole Gryffindor boy. She's better off with Emmett than anyone else in my opinion.


As we find our way into Hogsmeade, the place is overrun with students and professors excitedly exploring. Tall buildings with intricate items on display in their windows draw everybody's attention. The early October weather sets the tone for a beautiful day.

"We're going to Fred and George's store, want to join?" Briar asks Alice and I.

"I was going to Honeydukes." I say.

Alice puts her hand on my shoulder. "That's alright. I'll go with Vivienne, and we can meet you lot at The Three Broomsticks later." She says, motioning to Briar, Emmett, and Cormac. They shrug and exchange glances, until turning and walking away.

"Finally, just you and me..." Alice jokes, running her fingers up my arm.

"It's been too long, my love." I respond with the same energy. We break out in giggles before she grabs my arm and pulls me towards Honeydukes.

When we get inside, it's exactly as I remember. Pink and green theming, with large candy machines on the walls,  and countless rows of sweet delicacies.

"Oh my gosh, this would look so good on you." Alice says, picking up a silly hat with lollipops embroidered all over it.

"Yeah. Sure..." I laugh and place the hat back on the shelf.

Alice and I are working our way down the aisles, as giddy as kids in a candy store. Literally.

It reminds me of how we were when we were little. With our dads working together, we spent every waking moment with each other. We would jump in creeks during the summertime, something I never wanted to do, but she always convinced me.

She was the adventurous one. She broke me out of my introverted shell and showed me how to live. That's why I love her. We fit perfectly together, like puzzle pieces.

We purchase some candy apples, along with a few more treats for later, and take a seat at a small table outside the store.

"Ugh, I'm such a slut for sugar." Alice says, biting down into her caramel apple. I lean back in my chair and giggle at her behavior. "What?" She asks, raising her eyebrows.

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