mcgonagall's office

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                 Vivienne Leclair
"This is unacceptable!" Professor McGonagall screeches.

The early morning sun blinds me through the curtains of her office.

I cover my ears and pull my hoodie strings tighter over my head, laying my head down on her desk.

"Please... shhh." I groan. My head hurts. My feet hurt. My stomach hurts. Everything hurts.

Last night, I came to the realization that I cannot handle my alcohol.

After Filch caught me out past curfew, he immediately turned me in.


And now, I'm being reprimanded for breaking curfew whilst being "visibly intoxicated".

To make matters worse, McGonagall called my mother, and now she's sitting in on my disciplinary hearing too.

She's standing next to my chair, hovering over my every move, just waiting for me to make a mistake so she can scold me.

"Pick your head up!" My mother scowls.

I flinch at her voice and lift my head up off the desk.

They asked me to tell the truth, and I told them lies.

I told them I acquired the alcohol by brewing it myself.


I told them I didn't leave school grounds, and just spend the night wandering, eventually losing track of time.


And lastly... I told them I was alone.


They can't prove what I'm saying is true, but they can't prove it's false either.

The only thing they know for sure is that I was intoxicated and out past curfew. I can't really deny that, considering Filch caught me red handed.

I decided to protect Mattheo by telling them I was alone. I didn't want to get him in trouble, especially when he was so generous to let me tag along to London with him.

"I can assure you that this will never happen again. Right, Vivienne?" My mother nagged.

"Yep." I mumbled.

She shot me a death glare.

Professor McGonagall nods her head. "I believe you, Mrs. Leclair. But for Vivienne's punishment, it's in her-"

"Hold on. Punishment?" My mother cuts her off. "I thought we had an agreement."

My eyes squint cautiously at my mothers comment. I'm not aware of any "agreement" my mum has with Professor McGonagall, and this leads me to wonder what secret game she's playing.

Great. Just another way for her to control my life.

Professor McGonagall furrows her eyebrows and says, "This is a very serious matter, and I don't believe Vivienne should be let off so easy."

My mothers face relaxes and the corners of her lips turn upwards. "Minerva, do you like your job?" She says.

"Yes, indeed." McGonagall says, raising one eyebrow curiously.

"Good. Then I suggest we put this small discrepancy behind us." My mother crosses her arms. "And keep it off the records as well."

Professor McGonagall's nostrils flare out and I can see her tense expression, but my mothers face remains painted with a sly smile.

D I L E M M A x Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now