sneaking around

195 5 9

Vivienne Leclair
I rub my eyes and awaken to the sound of a late November morning. A chill breeze whisking away the last remnants of colorful leaves falling off trees.

I feel Mattheo's strong arms wrapped around me under the warmth of the bedsheets. I attempt to wriggle them off of me, but he pulls me back by my waist.

"Why are you leaving so soon, baby?" He asks groggily.

His morning voice is so damn sexy. How could I say no to him? But alas, I have to go to my classes.

"Sorry Matty, but I have classes to attend. And so do you, so I suggest you get moving."

"But I'll miss you..." He whines.

"I'll miss you too, but Ali will be awake soon so I need to get going," I say, running my thumb along his cheek.

"Theo and Enzo already know about us. Why not tell Ali?"

"I don't want to rub salt in the wound by telling more people." I start changing into my uniform, not sure if I have enough time to go back to my dorm before breakfast.

Just then, the door handle jiggles and Theo and Enzo walk in. I gasp in shock and realize my chest is only covered by my bra.

Enzo notices first, he quickly covers his eyes with his hand. "Woah! Sorry mate..." He blurts. Then he tilts his head and uncovers his eyes, looking me up and down. "Actually, you're quite fit, love."

"Enzo, fuck off!" Mattheo exclaims. I try to hide my embarrassment and cross my arms over my body, but not before Theo eyes me with hunger.

"He's not wrong, Matt," Theo chuckles.

"Wait, did you two shag?" Enzo says, his eyes widening in surprise.

"Okay, that's it!" Mattheo says, standing up and harshly shoving the two boys out of the room.

"Hey, we were just joking-" The door slams before Enzo can finish his sentence. Laughs echo from outside the room, and Mattheo rolls his eyes.

"If they weren't my friends, they'd both have black eyes by now," He growls.

"Yeah... sorry about that," I say.

"No, I'm sorry for my idiot friends."

I giggle in response and continue searching for my shirt. I find it a few moments later hiding under a pillow. I slide it on and grab my bag.

"Okay, I need to get going now." I kiss Mattheo goodbye before making my way to the door.

"Bye Viv," He smiles.

"Bye Matty," I smile back and walk out of the room.

Just as I close the door, I'm startled by a familiar face. "What are you doing exiting Riddle's dorm?" Briar jeers.

My heart races and I feel my palms start to sweat, but fortunately, I'm quick with a response. "I was giving Berkshire the answers to a potions assignment. He's one of Riddle's roommates."

I choose to say Enzo because he's the least threatening of the lot. It feels weird to call them by their last names, considering how close we've all gotten recently. I even call Theodore "Theo" now, and Lorenzo "Enzo", something that would've been out of the norm just a few weeks ago.

"Funny. I just saw Berkshire in the Slytherin common room," Briar says, crossing his arms.


Why didn't I think of that possibility?

And what the hell is Briar doing in the Slytherin Dormitories anyways?

D I L E M M A x Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now