muggle capitol

264 3 42

Vivienne Leclair
Later tonight, I will be in London with Mattheo, trying to figure out what the hell to write my story about.

For now, I'm in the Great Hall eating dinner with Emmett, Briar, Alice, and Cormac.

I haven't spoken to Cormac since he made that comment the other day. I can tell Briar hates me not getting along with Cormac, but I couldn't care less what he thinks about it.

I'm not going to tolerate disrespect, and he should have the decency to understand that.

"I've got some muggle weed we can smoke later if you'd like to join me, Vivienne," Alice says, picking up her drink to take a sip.

"Actually, I-"

"She can't." Briar cuts me off. I whip my head around at him, shocked that he'd have the audacity to speak for me.

Alice scoffs, "Why not?"

"Smoking is disgusting. Why do you even do it anyways?" He jeers.

"Ever heard of fun, Briar? Maybe if you took that stick out of your ass you could have fun for once." Alice snaps, rolling her eyes.

I attempt to hold back my laughter, but I can't, and a small chuckle escapes my lips.

"Whatever. Vivienne won't be smoking with you because she's a lady of class."

A flip switches inside me and I stand up for myself.

"Excuse you, Briar! If I want to smoke with my friend, I will. Because I can make decisions for myself," I say in a condescending baby voice.

Alice patronizingly smiles at him, satisfied with herself.

Briar throws his fork on his plate and sits back, crossing his arms.

I lean closer to Alice and say to her, "I can't hang out tonight though Alice. I've just got something to do for Journalism." I say.

Even though I'm not technically lying, my palms start to sweat. I feel a little bit of guilt for not telling them where I'm going, or who I'll be with.

But is the absence of truth really a lie?

"That's okay," She shrugs. "Maybe I'll ask Luna to smoke with me."

"Luna Lovegood?" Emmett scoffs.

"Yeah. Who do you think my weed dealer is?" She smirks and raises a shoulder playfully.


We finish eating and each go our separate ways for the night. The boys head to their dorm to do god knows what, and Alice goes to find Luna.

At last, I'm alone in my dorm. I can see the sun setting through my window.

I start getting ready by picking out my outfit. I need something that says "Professional", but also "Fun".

I land on a casual red dress with lace trimming. I pair it with some black combat boots and gold jewelry.

It's an outfit my mother would most definitely not approve of, she would say it's too 'edgy'.

Well, my mothers not here right now, and I'm venturing into the muggle world, where no one will recognize me.

No harm, no foul.

My hair is already curled from earlier today, so I finish off my look by applying some perfume and light makeup.

I pick up my purse and exit my dorm, locking the door on my way out.

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