cool cat

246 3 29

                Vivienne Leclair
I've been in this fashion gallery for quite a while now, and Mattheo isn't back.

I'm starting to get worried.

I'm sure he's fine though, he can hold his own.

The nervousness in my stomach doesn't go away as I continue searching the fashion gallery for some inspiration.

I stroll along the marble floors observing everything there is to see, until I come upon a particular display that catches my eye.

It's a display consisting of artwork and clothes derived from a muggle model from thirty years ago, named "Jocelyn".

It seems she was very famous in the muggle world, due to her innovative style, bold makeup, and clothing choices.

I write down everything I see in full detail.

Just then, someone taps on my shoulder.

I jolt my head around, startled.

"Woah, chill out. It's just me." Mattheo says.

"You scared me!" I smack his arm. He has an anxious look on his face, like he's startled. "Where did you go? And why were you gone for so long?"

His jaw clenches. "If I wanted you to know, I would've told you." He says in a cold tone. "But I'm back now, aren't I?"

"Okay, tough guy." I roll my eyes.

Silence ensues for a few moments as I finish writing down everything I need to. I close my journal and put it back in my bag.

"Did you find everything you were looking for?" Mattheo asks.

"Yeah, I think I'll do the story on this muggle model." I say, pointing to the display in front of us.

"Great. So you're ready to leave?"

"Yeah." I smile lightly.

On our way out of the building, I show Mattheo a few things from the gallery. He does his best to act like he's not bored out of his mind, but I can tell he's not interested in any of it.

We finally get back out on to the streets, and we can't seem to find an empty place to apparate from.

We walk along the sidewalk for what feels like forever, until it starts raining.

Of course.

"Oh, jeez!" I try to cover my face from the rain.

The rain is really starting to pour down now.

Mattheo looks over at me through his wet eyelashes. He starts to take off his coat. "Here, take my jacket."

He hands me his leather jacket.

His kind gesture is surprising to me, but I'm not complaining. I take the jacket out of his hands. I use it to cover myself from the rain, holding it over my head.

Mattheo takes my hand. "Let's go in here until the rain dies down!" He shouts through the pouring rain, gesturing towards a pub to our left.

The sign above it says "The Cool Cat".

That's an interesting name for a pub.

Mattheo opens the door for me as I enter the pub.

Once we're both inside, I try to hand his jacket back to him.

"No, keep it. You're still cold." He says in response.

"Thank you." I smile, putting his jacket on completely. The jacket is way too big on me, and Mattheo laughs.

I roll my eyes and continue walking through the pub.

D I L E M M A x Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now