the interview

307 4 16

Vivienne Leclair

The morning sun shines through the corridors of Hogwarts on this bright September morning.

I stroll through the halls on my way to the library to meet Oliver Wood. He's one of my boyfriends friends, so he's always been around me. We're familiar with each other, so this interview shouldn't be awkward.

I arrive at the library on time and see Oliver walking in at the same time as me. We set our bags down at a table and I take out my journal.

"So I was thinking you could ask me questions about the team and everything, and then I'll show you around the Quidditch pitch, locker rooms, and where we keep our equipment. Does that sound alright?" He asks.

I wasn't expecting that much, but I'm not complaining. It's sure to impress Professor Vector, considering nobody, except Quidditch players, are allowed in those areas, so an in-depth exclusive look into the Quidditch team is sure to give me a leg up.

"That sounds great." I respond. I pick up my pen and open my journal, ready to take notes.

"So what do you think about the current state of the Hogwarts Quidditch teams? Are they all in good shape, or do you think they're going to need some work?" I ask.

"I believe Gryffindor is head and shoulders above the competition. We have Briar, and Cormac, and those guys are shoe-ins to beat any member of the other teams." He answers confidently. I jot down some notes in my journal, careful to capture the exact words he uses.

"Interesting. How about Slytherin? Last year you guys were pretty close to losing to them, how are you going to keep them from winning this year?"

"This year they don't have Riddle. He was their star player last year, but he's not returning to the Slytherin team. It's hard to come back from losing your best player." He folds his arm and kicks his feet up onto the table. That's a very cocky response, considering that most of Slytherins players are just as talented as Gryffindors players.

"Which team do you think will be the biggest threat to Gryffindor this year?" I ask.

"The age-old rivalry has always been Gryffindor versus Slytherin, but in my opinion, this year will be a piece of cake for Gryffindor. Dumont's parents bought us new equipment so we're pretty stacked training wise." He responds. Whatever happened to good old fashioned fair play? You wouldn't suspect that someone could buy Quidditch wins, but of course, Briar has found a way.


After I get all my questions out to Oliver, we walk through the corridors. I make polite conversation with Oliver, but he's not exactly someone I'd like to be friends with.

We're on our way to the Quidditch pitch when I hear a deep voice call out to me.

"Vivienne!" Briar shouts, running up to me. I don't often see this enthusiasm from him, so it brings a smile to my face.

"I thought you had class." I say.

"I am. I have Herbology." He points to the Greenhouse behind us.

"Ah. Well, Oliver and I were just on our way to the Quidditch pitch. I'm doing a story on the Gryffindor Quidditch team and asked Oliver for an interview."

"Is that allowed?" He asks, taking the journal out from my arms and flipping through the notes I took.

"Why wouldn't it be?" I respond. I don't know why he's being so suspicious about this. He never asks very many questions about my work.

"Okay..." He hands my journal back to me, "I'll see you at lunch then." He kisses my cheek and walks away before I can respond.

I guess he's right... I should be making a little bit of time to hang out with him.

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