hufflepuff fundraiser

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Vivienne Leclair
I throw my hood over my head whilst exiting my dorm, hoping nobody notices me leaving.

I avoid the glances of fellow students as I make my way to the Slytherin common room.

I duck behind walls and pillars alike, afraid that someone I know will see me and question where I'm going. I know it seems childish, sneaking around and all, but if anyone finds out I'm communicating with Mattheo Riddle, my reputation is ruined.

And I can't allow that.

I finally get to the entrance of the Slytherin Common room. The cold air sends a chill down my spine as I step inside the eerie space. Dark leather furniture and gold framed pictures line the stone walls.

"I didn't think you'd actually show up," A snarky voice greets me. I roll my eyes and set my books down next to Mattheo.

"Well I'm here. So we might as well get started," I take down my hood and grab a pencil from my bag.

The assignment is pretty simple. Make a prediction on the future using Arithmancy. The topic is quite vague, and I could've done this assignment years ago with my current skill level, but I'll let Mattheo take a little bit of control over the project, just to gauge where he's at Academic-wise.

"What should we predict, Mattheo?" I ask, twirling a pen in my hands.

He folds his hands on the desk, "We should predict the Quidditch cup winner. It's straight to the point, simple, and entertaining."

I wasn't expecting it to be a good suggestion, but he surprised me.

"I- I like that," I shrug. He smirks back at me. He knows I'm impressed.

I write 'Quidditch Cup Winner Prediction' at the top of my notes page.

"Where should we start?" I ask. I watch Mattheo as he swirls his pen in his hand, only to sit up and take a hold of my notes page.

"We should analyze some players past achievements and relate it to their current game. Then take the number chart and put it all together," He answers, putting the cap of his pen in between his teeth and beginning to write on the paper.

I notice the muscles in his hands moving the pen on the paper. My lips part as I look at him with curious eyes. His jawline is so defined. For a man as despicable as himself... he sure is attractive.

His lips purse together and his eyebrows furrow, "Checking me out, Leclair?"

I snap out of my trance and dart my eyes to the floor, shaking my head.

"Don't flatter yourself, Riddle," I lean back in my chair.

He winks and turns back to the paper.

We continue to lay out a solid outline for the project. Mattheo is smarter than he lets on, and he actually had some insightful ideas.

After making some promising progress on the project, it's dinnertime and I make my way to the Great Hall.

I cover my head with my hood again, until I make it far enough away from the Slytherin common room.

I get to the Great Hall later than I intended. I find Alice waving me over to the Gryffindor table.

"I saved you a seat," She smiles at me. I smile and mouth 'thank you' as I sit down in between her and Briar.

D I L E M M A x Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now