vanilla scent

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Vivienne Leclair
Mattheos actions yesterday left me with so many questions. Why did he interact with me like that? Has he let his guard down? Why am I enjoying his company recently?

The tension between us is undeniable. Wether it be tension because of our rivalry... or something else, it doesn't matter.

His cold front is warming up to me. He's less standoffish, and I would even say we've become friends. I think we will always have a tinge of distaste for eachother, however, because of the whole Gryffindor-Slytherin thing.

Whatever it is, it's unimportant, because I can't be seen with him. I feel terrible not wanting to tell people about him, but what can I do? I mean, I'd be disowned if my parents found out I was so much as acquaintances with Mattheo. Not to mention-

"Vivienne?" A sudden voice takes me out of my trance.

"Huh?" I squint, "Oh. Yeah." I shuffle my papers together.

I quickly look over the list of questions I prepared for the interview, "So tell me again what your goals are for the fundraiser? I kind of spaced out."

"Yeah, I could tell." Ellis laughs. He hands me a leather notebook, filled with some numbers and animal drawings. "These are our planning pages, we're hoping to be able to wrap up the sale in about three weeks."

Ellis is the Hufflepuff fundraiser organizer that the Muggle Studies professor recommended I reach out to for the interview. He insisted on meeting outdoors, for "authentic purposes". I don't mind it, but I'm left sitting on the hard grass under a tree with little to no shade. Fitting suggestion from a Hufflepuff.

"What about financial goals?" I ask, skimming the notebook.

"Oh, we don't like to make financial goals. They're demanding, and put too much pressure on us. Plus, the purpose is mainly to just raise awareness for the animals."

Wow. Briar was right. This really is some hardcore hippie stuff. Don't get me wrong, it's a good cause, but they're going about it in all the wrong ways.

This is going to be a long day.


"Professor, you've got to give me something better to work with. There's hardly any information for me to cover with the Hufflepuffs!" I exclaim.

Professor Vector rolls her eyes and takes her reading glasses off, setting them beside a book on her desk. "Unless you can come up with something better, you need to follow through with this." She explains.

The school year just started and there isn't much going on. If I want a good story, I need to think broader. I have a suggestion, but it might be a little ambitious, especially this early in the year.

I can't cower away though, so I decide to ask it anyways.

"By any chance, would you allow me to do a story on the outside world? You know, a non-school related topic?" I start fidgeting with my necklace, nervously awaiting her response.

She leans backwards in her chair, letting go of her pen. Her eyes fixate on the wall in the back of the room, "I suppose that's alright. But you better not let me down." She says.

"Thank you! You know I won't." I wink.

I turn towards the door, hoping to get out of there before she changes her mind. I almost trip over my own feet as I race out of her class.


I find myself in front of Briars dorm room. I knock three times before it's opened.

"Oh. Hey." He says, scratching the back of his neck.

D I L E M M A x Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now