riddle manor

183 4 8

Vivienne Leclair
The stench of alcohol and Muggle weed engulfs my senses as Mattheo and I come upon the entrance to the Slytherin common room. They're having a party to celebrate the win against Gryffindor, and of course, Mattheo is the guest of honor.

"Are you sure you're okay with being seen with me?" Mattheo asks, grabbing my hand.

I must say, it does feel a little reckless to be attending a party with Mattheo, considering our relationship is a secret and all, but I don't care what rumors fly around. If they get back to Briar and he breaks up with me, then so be it. Less work for me.

"Yes. I'm sure," I respond.

"Okay," Mattheo hesitantly stands in front of the entrance and says the password. "Pureblood," he mutters, and the door slides open.

Made up of stone and located in the dungeon part of the school, the Slytherin common room isn't the most welcoming place in the world. Usually it's cold and drab, but the Slytherin students always make it so lively during parties, filling the space with music and colorful lights. Even though it's hard to admit, Slytherin parties are by far the best.

Mattheo takes my hand as we step inside, and immediately, several pairs of eyes fall on us.

"Hey everyone, it's Mattheo!" A scrawny sixth year boy shouts.

The students erupt in cheers, and before I can form another thought, Mattheo is suspended in the air by his teammates and everyone is chanting his name.

I lean against a wall, trying to stay out of the way of the mob of students. I don't think anyone has noticed me yet, until I see a black haired girl a few feet away from me, standing with her hands on her hips and staring directly at me.

"What the hell is Leclair doing here?" she jeers, her face scrunched up like a pug.

Pansy Parkinson.

I break away from eye contact with her and go back to watching Mattheo and his teammates. It's not often I see Mattheo smile, but it comes naturally to him when he's with his friends.

I can't help but smile like a fool as I watch him smirk whilst listening to the chants of his name shouted throughout the common room.

"Holy shit," Pansy chuckles. "There's no way."

I huff and cross my arms, turning to her. "What is it, Parkinson?" I ask hastily.

"Riddle, huh?" She scoffs.

"What do you mean?"

"I see you making googly eyes at him. What the fuck are you doing with a Slytherin?" She questions.

"Leave her alone, Parkinson," Enzo interjects our conversation and grabs my shoulders, swinging me off the wall and away from Pansy. I hear her scoff as Enzo and I walk away.

"Alright, alright, that's enough!" Mattheo laughs as his teammates put him down.

"Did you enjoy the ego boost, mate?" Enzo snickers as we find our way over to Mattheo.

"You sure bet I did," Mattheo quips.

I roll my eyes. "I'm going to get a drink. Save me a spot on the dance floor!" I exclaim as I locate the drinks table.

In true Slytherin fashion, there are plenty of choices for alcohol, but I end up going with vodka soda.

I take a big gulp of my drink and turn around to find my way back to the dance floor, but I get startled by a figure that appears out of nowhere.

"Vivienne," The soft voice says.

"Luna!" I exhale in relief and clutch my chest. "You scared me."

"I apologize. I didn't mean to scare you," She puts her hand on my shoulder and I pull her into a hug.

D I L E M M A x Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now