Chapter 1

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6:50 am

The alarm went off.

Tim woke up startled. He tried to get up but noticed Lucy was asleep on his chest. He didn't want to wake her up but had to, or they would be late for work.

Tim: "Hey, sleepy head, time to wake up or we will be late for work!"

Lucy rubbed her eyes saying: "Ugh I hate early mornings, I don't want to get up,"

Tim: "I know, but we have to."

Lucy sat up and rushed to the bathroom and shut the door. Tim sat up, confused.

Tim: "Hey, Luce, are you okay in there?"

Lucy: "Er ye, I'm fine, I think I just had food poisoning, and it's making me sick."

Tim: "Maybe you should call in sick today!"

Lucy walked out of the bathroom. "No, I'll be fine, I can't miss today, Grey is back from his leave, and I need to speak to him!"

Tim: "Only if you're sure, you can come to my office anytime you feel ill."

Lucy: "Thanks, babe."

They kissed.

Lucy: "Okay, I'm going to take a shower, and then we need to leave."

20 minutes later, Lucy came out of the bathroom, all showered and dressed. Tim went in, and they were finally ready to leave.

At the station

Tim: "Right, I need to go to my office. Apparently, someone is waiting for me, I'll see you soon. Good luck. I love you, "

Lucy: "I love you too."

They both went their separate ways.

Lucy went to change into her uniform and suddenly felt sick again. She ran to the bathroom.

Lucy thought

I don't think this is food poisoning. Maybe I'm pregnant, I should take a test, and I'll grab one on patrol.

To Tim

Tim walked into his office, curious who was waiting for him. He opened the door and saw Isabel standing inside.

Tim: "Isabel, what are you doing here?"

Isabel: "Tim, I need help on a case!"

Tim: "What case?"

Isabel: "Well back when I was undercover there was this one girl who's dad obviously paid no attention to her, he was too busy with being a criminal, and she rang me last night, I missed her call, I tried to ring her back but she didn't pick up and hadn't for hours now"

Tim: "Well maybe she just broke her phone or something I'm sure it's nothing"

Isabel: "No, when i knew her, she always took care of her phone, I think something has happened."

Tim: "Right erm okay fine. Let's go see Angela. She can help you, okay?"

Isabel: "Thank you."

They left Tim's office.

Isabel: "So how have you been? Are you seeing anyone?"

Tim: "I've been doing a lot better, Lucy and I are dating. She is the best thing that has happened to me in a while."

Isabel's face dropped at hearing this.

Isabel: "Lucy, huh, your old rookie, the Tim I knew would never cross that line."

Tim: "Look, Isabel, I've changed, okay? And I love Lucy, she has helped me through so much so don't do that!"

Isabel: "Okay, jeez, sorry, you're protecting her, huh? You never did that for me!"

Tim stopped in his tracks

Tim: "Isabel, I always protected you, I nearly lost my job because of you, so don't you ever say that. I lost myself because of you. I'm fed up okay, just let's do your case, and then we don't need to see each other ever again!" He said sternly.

They walked over to Angela.

Angela: "Oh hey Tim, Isabel Hi, what are you doing here?"

Isabel: "I needed help with a case, and Tim said you could help.

Angela: "Erm, okay, sure!"

Just as Angela finished talking, Lucy ran over happily.

She ran up behind Tim and grabbed his hand.

Lucy: "Hey Babe,"

Tim: "Hey, how are you feeling?"

Isabel face dropped, seeing how Tim's face lit up when Lucy came over.

Lucy: "A bit better, what you up to?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she noticed Isabel stood next to Angela.

Lucy: "Isabel, why are you here?"

Isabel: "Hey Lucy, I'm just here for help on a case. How are you?"

Lucy: "Erm, I'm fine. Tim can I talk to you a minute..."

Tim: "Sure!"

Theywalk away

Lucy: "I get Isabel is here for a case but just be careful I don't fully trust her after what she did to you!"

Tim: "I will."

Lucy: "Okay good im going on patrol, I'll see you later"

Tim: "Be safe!"

Tim kissed Lucy and she walked off to go on Patrol.

Isabel looked over her face was filling with rage at seeing Tim being in love with Lucy...

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