Chapter 4

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Angela and Tim walked back to his car and drove Lucy to the hospital leaving Isabel to get an uber back.

They arrive at the Hospital.

Tim: "Okay we're here, Lucy can you walk or do you need me to carry you?"

Lucy: "No I can walk. I'll just need to lean on you guys"

Angela and Tim got out the car and Tim opened the door for Lucy. Lucy got out and leaned on Angela and Tim till they got inside.

Tim: "An officer has been shot, we need a doctor please" He said to the receptionist.

The receptionist quickly went to get a doctor and they rushed Lucy into surgery.

Hours passed and Lucy was finally out of surgery. The doctor came over to tell them

Tim: "Hey how is she?" He stood up

Doctor: "She is doing good, we successfully removed the bullet and she is now in recovery, you can go and see her if you want room 107!"

Tim and Angela thanked the doctor and went to see Lucy.

Lucy was just waking up as they came to see her.

Tim: "Hey babe how are you feeling?"

Lucy: "A bit drouzy but im feeling better!"

Angela: "I'll leave you two to it, good to see your doing better Lucy, ill give Grey a call."

Lucy: "Thank you!"

Angela left

Tim: "Im so sorry about what happened Lucy, its my fault I'm sorry"

Lucy: "No Tim it's not, I was the one who wanted to do it and we both didn't know what Isabel would do!" She laughed.

Tim: "Well eatlest your both safe now!" He placed his hand on Lucy's stomach."

Days went by and Lucy went back to work. She walked in and went straight to Grey's office. She knocked on the door.

Grey: "Come in!"

Lucy opened the door and walked in.

Grey: "Officer Chen good to see your doing better, you ready for work?"

Lucy: "Yes I am, I can't wait!"

Grey: "Good, where's Bradford?"

Lucy: "Oh he came in early this morning, he said he had some paperwork to do, im going to see him now!"

Grey: "Oh okay, well take it slow today, your only to take the low risk calls, since your pregnant!"

(Lucy is 5 months pregnant)

Lucy: "Copy sir !"

Grey: "Oh and Lucy before you go, you should know something, Isabel is back to keep working on that case still, they haven't tracked down who was shooting yet!"

Lucy: "What she was meant to be gone, ugh I don't want to see her face!"

Grey: "Don't stress out I told her to stay away from you and Officer Bradford!"

Lucy: "Thanks sir!"

Lucy walked out and went to find Tim.
She knocked on his door and walked in.

Tim: "Hey babe, it's good to see you back into uniform, how are you feeling!"

Lucy: "Im mad Tim!"

Tim: "Oh so Grey told you, I told him to let me tell you"

Lucy: Tim why is she back, I thought she left?"

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