Chapter 10

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Lucy chuckled: "Come on Tim, let's get changed!"

Tim: "Yep!"

Lucy: "I'll meet you in your office in 5?"

Tim nodded and kissed Lucy.

Lucy: "Love you!"

Tim: "Love you too!"

Tim and Lucy went to get changed.

As Lucy came out, Angela and Nyla caught her.

Angela: "Hey Lucy!"

Lucy turned around

Lucy: "Oh hey guys, you okay?"

Angela: "You guys look all loved up again. You fix everything?"

Lucy: "Ye we did!"

Nyla: "That's great news, it looked like Chris was a bit jealous though!"

Lucy: "That's what Tim said but I didn't really see it!"

Angela: "Just be careful Lucy!"

Lucy: "Could you guys maybe do some digging into why Chris was here. Just don't tell Tim. I don't want him to worry!"

Angela: "Sure, we won't say a word!"

Lucy: "Thanks guys, you're the best. But I should go and see Tim, he will be wondering where I am!"

Angela: "Okay have fun!"

Lucy gave them a look and wandered off to Tim.

She knocked on his door.

Tim in a stern voice: "Come in!"

Lucy opened the door and Tim's stern look change to soft.

Tim: "Oh hey Luce!"

Lucy: "Hey, I can't be long I'm back on patrol today and I need to train Hawley!"

Tim: "Well I'm sure you will train him just like I taught you!"

Lucy: "What by saying , Boot I've been shot!"

They both laughed.

Tim: "Well.."

Lucy hit Tim on the shoulder.

Tim: "Im joking!"

Lucy: "Mhm so i'll see you later, stay safe!"

Tim: "You too!"

They kissed and Lucy left to find Alex. She saw him talking to Celina.

Lucy: "Hey boot, you ready?"

Alex: "Yes!"

Lucy: "Go load up the shop then!"

Alex nodded and left to get the war bags.

Lucy: "What were you guys talking about!"

Celina: "Nothing, oh has Tim seen Nolan after that all you used to date thing!"

Lucy: "What how did you find out about that?"

Celina: "I had a vision..."

Lucy looked at Celina and smirked.

Celina: "Im kidding, Nolan told me!"

Lucy: "Well I hope it won't be awkward for them, I didn't really talk it out with either of them, so maybe keep them away from eachother!"

Celina: "Copy!"

Lucy walked off to meet Alex at the shop.

Lucy: "You ready to go boot?"

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