Chapter 5

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Lucy grabbed Tim's hand and held it tight.

Tim: "Grey told you to stay away from us, so why are you following us!"

Isabel: "Just checking you're not putting Lucy in danger."

Lucy: "You're the one who puts me in danger Isabel, not Tim!"

Isabel: "If you need to talk Lucy when Tim isn't around, you can!"

Lucy: "Why would I ever talk to you, I don't need to talk, Tim hasn't done anything wrong, all he has done is cared for me and loved me, if I still see your face in a minute god knows what I'm going to do!"

Isabel: "Are you threatening me?"

Tim: "No she isn't, just leave us alone!"

Lucy faced was filled with rage.

Isabel: "Oh your fierce protector saving you, im going to file a report about both of you, you Lucy for threatening me and you Tim for abusive behaviour!"

Lucy: "Oh ye and we will report you for harassment!"

Tim: "Come on Lucy its not worth it!"

They got in the shop and left.

Tim: "Babe are you okay?

Lucy: "No im not okay, she just won't leave us alone, you didn't even stand up for me!"

Tim: "I wasn't trying to escalate the situation Lucy, and I didn't want you to get stressed out!"

Lucy: "Well I am, maybe us being together is a bad idea. Maybe Isabel will just leave us both alone if we just break up!"

Tim: "No Lucy, don't let her tear us apart, you're the best thing that's happened to me in a long time and we have a baby on the way!"

Lucy: "I mean you can still be in the baby's life I just don't think I can deal with Isabel anymore!"

For the rest of the shift Tim was upset and Lucy was mad, they barely had any calls so just sat in awkward silence.

They got back to the station.

Lucy: "Im going to get changed out of uniform!"

Tim: "Same ill wait for you at your desk after!"

Lucy didnt say anything and just left to get changed.

Tim finished getting changed and waited for Lucy at her desk.

Lucy then came out and went to meet Tim

Tim: "You ready to go?"

Lucy: "I need some space, I think you should go back to your house tonight."

Tim: "What Lucy No why?"

Lucy: "I just need to clear my head, i'll see you in the morning!"

Lucy walked out the station, leaving Tim there, tears filling his eyes.

Angela saw what had happened and went over to Tim.

Angela: "Hey, what just happened?"

Tim: "Lucy said she needed space, I think she wants to break up all because of Isabel, she said she can't deal with it anymore!"

Angela: "Im sure she just needs time, you will see her tommorow!"

Tim: "I know but I feel like it's all my fault, Isabel won't leave us alone because of me, she's jealous!"

Angela: "Hey its not your fault, Isabel is the one with the problem!"

Tim just nodded tears filling his eyes again, he walked out the station.

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