Chapter 8

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(If you have already read chapter 6, I have changed the ending Tim and Lucy aren't back together, so if you want to re read that before this then you can)

With Tim

Tim grabbed his phone and searched for Isabel's number.

Tim called it and Isabel picked up.

Isabel: "Hello?"

Tim: "Hey can I take you up on that offer as friends"

Isabel: "Sure but why me!"

Tim: "Well Angela will judge me, Nolan im not speaking to and I don't know who else..."

Isabel: "Erm okay sure what about the cafe near your house?"

Tim: "Perfect meet you in five!"

He ended the call.

5 minutes later he got to the cafe, and sat down waiting for Isabel. Seconds later Isabel arrived and walked over to Tim.

Isabel: "Hey"

Tim stood up.

Tim: "Hi"

He hugged her, then they both sat down.

Isabel: "So what's up?"

Tim: "Its Lucy, she said she still loves me and asked if I wanted to try again and I said no!"

Isabel: "Oh why, is that why you brought me here to ask me to try again?"

Tim: "What no Isabel, I needed a friend and well your not really my friend but the only person I could think of, if Lucy catches me with you she won't want me back!"

Isabel: "This is all my fault isn't it!"

Tim nodded.

Isabel: "Look im sorry I was just jealous you two seemed so happy and I couldn't take it, even after everything I know I did to you, and now I realise how happy you were actually with her and that I ruined it all!"

Tim: "Me and her were happy, we're having a baby and now she might not want me to even see that baby!"

Isabel could see how upset Tim actually was and tried to comfort him.

Meanwhile with Lucy

Lucy sat there for ages thinking of what to do. She wanted to talk to Tim again but didn't know if Tim wanted to. She wondered where Tim could be so checked his location. She saw he was at a cafe near his house and decided to go and see if she can makes things better.

As she got to the cafe, she looked through the window and saw Tim sat with Isabel. Tears started forming in her eyes and she walked away as fast as she could.

Lucy thought: "So he does still love Isabel not me, after everything she did."

As Lucy was walking away Tim looked out the window and saw her.

Tim: "Crap!"

Isabel: "What's wrong!"

Tim: "It was Lucy she must have seen my location and me sat with you!"

Isabel: "Oh this isn't good!"

Tim: "Now she probably thinks that's why I don't want to try again with her because I'm trying again with you but I'm not!"

Isabel: "Maybe if you talked to her she will understand!"

Tim: "She won't, she is probably overthinking everything seeing us together"

Tim got up and left trying to go after Lucy but she had already gone.

Lucy went back to her apartment, minutes later Tamara came back aswell from hanging out with her friends and  saw Lucy crying.

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