Chapter 11

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Tim: "Digging on what?"

Angela: "Ermm"

Lucy: "Women's stuff!"

Tim looked at Lucy with a don't test me look.

Lucy: "I'm telling the truth!"

Tim: "Are you, I don't trust you three together!"

Nyla: "So when a women gives birth..."

Tim rolled his eyes.

Tim: "Im leaving now!"

Lucy: "Come back later!"

Nyla, Angela and Lucy all laughed.

Lucy: "Few, that was a close one!"

Nyla: "I knew talking about women's stuff would make him walk away!"

Angela and Nyla fist bumped.

Lucy: "Anyways, so what did you find out?"

Angela: "Well, apparently someone, we don't know who yet, has reported that the station has  unhealthy, abusive cops and so he is here to defend us!"

Lucy: "That's strange who would say that?"

Nyla: "Who knows, but you shouldn't be worried about it, it's nothing to do with you!"

Lucy: "Ye well thanks guys!"

Angela: "No problem, we won't tell Tim!"

Lucy stood up to hug them but instantly felt dizzy, the room was spinning, and her vision went blury. She fell back down onto her chair.

Nyla: "Woah Lucy, you okay?"

Lucy: "Mhm, I'm fine. I'm just lightheaded!"

Angela: "Maybe we should take you to the hospital!"

Lucy: "No, i'm fine, im sure it's just from the amount of smoke I inhaled!"

Lucy tried to stand up again but fell back down.

Angela: "Okay, I'm going to get Tim!"

Angela went off to grab Tim, while Nyla sat with Lucy.

With Tim

Angela: "Tim!"

Tim turned round confused but went over to talk to Angela.

Tim: "What's wrong?"

Angela: "Lucy, she just fainted!"

Tim: "What, is she okay?"

Angela: "I dont know, Nyla is with her now."

Tim quickly walked over to Lucy, thinking of all the bad possibilities in his head, Angela followed unsure of what Tim was gonna think.

Tim: "Hey Luce, Angela told me you fainted. Are you okay?"

Lucy: "Tim, i'm fine, I probably just inhaled too much smoke!"

Tim: "We should take you to the hospital just to be sure!"

Lucy: "Tim, i'm fine, I promise!"

Tim: "Lucy, we are going to the hospital!"

Lucy: "Ugh, fine, but i'm telling you nothing is wrong!"

Tim grabbed Lucy's stuff.

Angela: "We'll tell Grey you have to leave for a bit!"

Tim: "Thanks!"

Lucy stood back up to leave but felt dizzy again.

Tim: "Okay I'm carrying you, you obviously can't walk Luce!"

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