Chapter 13

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Lucy smiled, thinking about all the times she knew she had feelings for Tim and was so happy they were starting their own little family after Tim said he always wanted one.

The next day

Tim woke up before Lucy. He saw she was still asleep, so he got up quietly and went to the kitchen to make her breakfast.

10 minutes later Lucy woke up, she tapped the side of the bed and realised Tim wasn't there. She got up and went to the kitchen.

Lucy: "Hey, you weren't in bed. What are you doing?"

Tim: "I'm making you breakfast!"

Lucy walked over to Tim and kissed him.

Lucy: "Oo pancakes!"

Tim: "Your favourite!"

They both smiled.

Lucy went and sat down, Tim brought her over the pancakes and sat next to her.

Tim: "Make sure you eat them. We don't want you fainting again!"

Lucy: "I promise!"

Tim kissed Lucy.

Tim: "So you still up for house hunting today?"

Lucy: "Mm, I forgot, but yes, I'm so excited!"

Tim: "Good, I'll call Grey and say we're taking the day off!"

Lucy: "Okay!"

Tim went into Lucy's room and shut the door. He called Grey.

Tim: "Hey sir, can we take the day off today, we're going house hunting!"

Grey: "Of course, I'll get someone to cover your shift!"

Tim: "Oh, also!"

Tim voice turned into a whisper.

Tim: "Im thinking of proposing to Lucy today, I have the ring, I need to pop by to ask Angela and the rest to set up something at the station, I'll fill you in with the rest of the plan at the station!"

Grey: "Bradford, that's amazing, I'll make sure Angela doesn't get stuck on a case!"

Tim: "Thanks, we will be at the station in 20 minutes, I'll make an excuse to pop by!"

Grey: "See you then!"

Tim ended the call and went back to see Lucy.

Lucy: "You called him?"

Tim: "Ye he said we can take the day off, he'll get someone to cover for us!"

Lucy: "Yay, okay, I'm going to get ready!"

Tim: "Oh, can we pop by the station? I need to pick up my jacket!"

(Tim purposely left his jacket, so he had an excuse to go back the next day.)

Lucy: "Okay!"

Lucy: "Well, let's get changed so we can start house hunting!"

Tim kissed Lucy, and they both got changed.

10 minutes later

They were both ready and headed to the station.

At the station

Tim: "I'll be back in 5!"

Lucy: "I'll come!"

Tim: "No, you stay here, we're gonna do a lot of walking today!"

Lucy: "Ugh, fine, be quick!"

Tim: "Will do!"

Tim walked into the station, leaving Lucy in the car. He saw Grey stood near Angela and went over to them.

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