Chapter 2

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To Isabel and Angela

Isabel scoffed: "huh they look happy!"

Angel: "Yes they are, and if you try and break them up I will break you understood!"

Isabel nodded

Angela: "Great, so what's your case about"

Isabel told Angela about what had happened, she started to get to work.

To Lucy

Lucy: "Hey Aaron, you ready to ride with me today?"

Aaron: "Ye, ill grab the bags and meet you in the shop"

Lucy went to the shop, while Aaron grabbed the war bags.

A few minutes later, they set out onto Patrol.

Aaron: "So I heard, Isabel is back, how are you doing about that?"

Lucy: "Im fine I guess, she is just here for a case and I trust Tim, so what do I have to worry about!"

Aaron: "Are you sure your okay, you look distracted?"

Lucy: "Er ye erm about that, I think I might be pregnant" she scratched her head.

Aaron: "What Lucy that's amazing, congrats, does Tim know?"

Lucy: "No I told him I just had food poisoning, I don't even know if I am yet, can we stop by the drugstore?"

Aaron: "Ye sure anything!"

Back at the station

Isabel: "Right, we have the location so now all I need is to go undercover and visit her, right?"

Angela: "Ye but you need someone as backup, ask Tim to call Lucy. She is great at undercover work im  sure she will help you!"

Isabel: "Okay thanks, I'll go see Tim now!"

Isabel walked to Tim's office and knocked on the door.

Tim: "Come in!" He said sternly.

Isabel walked into Tim's office.

Tim: "Oh its you, has your case been sorted yet?"

Isabel: "No I need to go undercover, but I need someone with me, Angela said Lucy might be able to go undercover with me."

Tim: "Erm sure I'll call her"

Isabel: "Thanks!"

She left his office.

Back to Lucy.

Lucy went into the drugstore and grabbed a pregnancy test,  she took it and it came back positive. She was so excited for Tim to be a dad.
She walked back to the shop.

Aaron: "So are you..."

Lucy: "Yes.. yes I am!"

Aaron: "Congrats, im so happy for you, when are you going to tell Tim?"

Lucy: "Ill tell him at the station, we haven't had any calls for ages so we might aswell head back!"

Just as Lucy finished speaking the radio went off.

Dispatch: "A lady had reported a robbery, at Greenlake Gardens, can anyone respond?"

Aaron responded: "7 Adam 19, responding"

Lucy: "So much for going back to the station huh"

They arrived on scene and saw 2 men in black robbing the jewelry store.

Lucy and Aaron crept up, and managed to arrest the 2 guys after much effort.

Aaron: "You good Lucy?"

Lucy: "Exhausted but fine, let's gets these to jackasses back to the station!"

They got in the shop and Lucy's phone started ringing. She picked it up.

Lucy: Hey babe, everything okay?"

Tim: "We need you back at the station, can you come?"

Lucy: "Ye we were just on our way, see u soon, love you"

Tim: "Love you too"

They arrived back at the station.

Lucy: "Can you process these guys. I need to go see Tim?"

Aaron nodded and Lucy headed to Tim's office to tell him she was pregnant and what he needed.

As she walked in, she was shocked to see Tim and Isabel kissing. She slammed the door and walked away quickly with tears streaming down her face.

Tim: "Lucy wait, Isabel why did you just kiss me what's wrong with you!"

Isabel: "Because I missed you!"

Tim: "Well I don't, thanks a lot now Lucy is upset well done!"

Tim stormed out trying to find Lucy.

Tim to Aaron: "Did you see Lucy come through here?"

Aaron: "No why what's wrong, she was coming to tell you something"

Tim: "Ugh she walked in, when isabel tried to kiss me, and now she is upset, I need to find her!"

Tim eventually found Lucy crying in the changing rooms.

Tim did a quick check before walking in.

Lucy was sat on the floor, tears streaming down her face.

Tim: "Lucy there you are, look Isabel kissed me, I promise I wasn't cheating on you!"

Lucy: "Ye right. You probably still love her, I knew it was a bad idea her coming here!"

Tim: "No Lucy I would never do anything to upset you, I love you not Isabel!"

Lucy: "Just go away!"

Tim: "Lucy please!"

Lucy: "No Tim just go!"

Tim walked away mad at what had just happened but also upset to see Lucy like that.

Angela walked over to where Lucy was and sat down next to her.

Angela: "Lucy what's wrong?"

Lucy: "I.. I.. don't want to talk about it!"

Angela: "Is it Isabel or Tim?"

Lucy: "I walked in on them kissing!"

Angela: "Oh I'm going to kill her!"

Lucy: "No just leave it please, what did Tim want anyway why did he call me?"

Angela: "Oh Isabel needed to go undercover with someone so he was going to ask if you would do it, but I understand if you don't want to now!"

Lucy: "No its fine ill do it, but not for Isabel, for whoever could be in danger!"

Angela nodded and went to tell Tim as Lucy cleaned herself up.

Angela to Tim: "Lucy said she will go undercover."

Tim: "Okay that's great, is she mad at me?"

Angela: "What do you think"

Tim: "It wasn't my fault it was Isabel"

Angela walked away as Lucy came out the bathroom.

Tim: "Lucy can we talk"

Lucy: Just leave it Tim I don't want to talk right now, let's just do this case and get it over with"

Lucy then got a sharp pain in her stomach.

Tim: "You okay?"

Lucy: "Im fine!"

Tim: "Your not!"

Lucy: "Look im pregnant okay, I was coming  to tell you that but then..."

Tim: "What I'm going to be a dad!"

Lucyy nodded.

Isabel was right behind Lucy when she said this and became more furious.

Isabel: "Your pregnant!"

Lucy: "Its none of your business"

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