Chapter 14

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Tim smiled at Lucy and opened the door. They walked in.

As they stepped inside, it was pitch black except the candles that lit the way to the garden.

Lucy: "Tim, what's this?"

Tim: "You'll see!"

Tim grabbed Lucy's hand and led her to the garden. The candles made a heart, in the middle rose petals were scattered around.

Lucy: "Tim?"

Tim didn't say anything and brought her into the heart. He got down on one knee and Lucy took a step back in shock.

Tim: "Luce you have made me the happiest I have ever been in a long time, you have stood by me even since you were a rookie and I was a total jerk!"

Lucy tearing up: "A total jerk"

She giggled.

Tim: "And I couldn't imagine my life without you, all your funny comments, your kindness when I needed it most. Even though we have been through ups and downs, I never stopped loving you, and now we have a little girl coming along and I couldn't be more happy. Lucy Chen will you make me the luckiest guy and marry me?"

Lucy took in all Tim had said and tried to fight back her happy tears.

Lucy: "Yes..yes of course I will marry you Tim!"

Tim put the ring on Lucy's finger and stood up. He kissed her.

Lucy: "Aw you're such a cutie, I love it, thank you baby!"

Tim: "Don't thank me, thank them!"

Everyone jumped out and came to congratulate them.

Angela: "Lucy, you're getting married!"

Lucy: "Omg, I can't believe it!"

Tamara: "Arghhh!"

Lucy: "Tamara. You made it too!"

Tamara: "Of course I did, and it looks like you got a new house!"

Lucy: "Yes, there is even a bedroom for you too!"

Tamara hugged Lucy.

Tim: "Angela you did a really good job setting this all up!"

Angela: "I know!"

Celina came over and rushed to hug Lucy.

Celina: "Congrats Lucy!"

Grey walked over to Tim.

Grey: "Good job Bradford, you got a good one!"

Tim: "Thanks Sarge, I'm very lucky!"

Grey tapped Bradford on the back and smiled.

Nyla: "Lets see the ring!"

Lucy put her hand out and they all looked at the ring.

Lucy: "I love it!"

Nyla: "It's gorgeous!"

Angela: "You got good taste, Tim!"

Lucy: "Hasn't he!"

Lucy kissed Tim.

Tim: "Anyone want drinks?"

Grey: "No you guys should celebrate together, we don't want to intrude!"

Lucy: "No you guys are my family, I want to celebrate with you!"

They all nodded and Tim went to get some drinks with Nolan.

With Nolan and Tim

Nolan: "You guys are so good together. You attended my wedding together and now I can attend yours!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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