Chapter 9

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Lucy started to tear up and Tim hugged her.

Lucy: "I thought you would be happy for us!"

Lucy's mum: "What because we are going to be grandparents!"

Lucy shakily: "Yes!"

Lucy's mum: "Lucy we are very disappointed in you, first you became a cop then you date one and have a baby with him, we didn't raise you to be like this!"

Tim: "Lucy is doing amazing, she is the best cop I've ever trained, and if you dont see that then you need to grow up!"

Lucy: "Tim its fine!"

Tim: "No its not Lucy, your parents should be proud of you, not disappointed!"

Lucy's Mum: "Tim you should leave her before she breaks your heart!"

Tim: "Im not leaving her, what parents even say that!"

Lucy's mum: "Lucy, are you going to quit your job?"

Tim: "No she isn't!"

Lucy's mum: "Tim she can speak for herself, she is a grown women!"

Tim: "Then start treating her like it!"

Lucy: "Tim just leave it, of course I'm not quitting my job, even though it's hard right now, I love it!"

Lucy's dad: "We are incredibly disappointed in you Lucy Chen!"

Lucy: "Tim can we go?"

Tim: "Mhm sure!"

They left, Lucy held Tim's hand and tried not to break down, Tim noticed and held her tight.

Tim: "Lucy it's okay not to be okay, you shouldn't have to deal with your parents like that!"

Lucy: "Tim its fine, im used to it, they are always disappointed in everything I do, my career my boyfriends even my lifestyle!"

Tim: "Lucy I'm so sorry, I know what it's like to feel dismembered from your own parents!"

Lucy just smiled at Tim and they left back on patrol.

Tim: "I just need to go back to the station"

Lucy: "Okay"

At they station

They both went inside and Tim went to see Grey.

He knocked on the door and Grey let him in.

Tim: "Hey sir can I speak with you?"

Grey: "Sure what's up?"

Tim: "Well me and Lucy are back together firstly!"

Grey: "That's great news, I knew you would find your way back to eachother!"

Tim: "Thanks sir, also we just saw Lucy's parents in the hospital and I think she is really upset by what they said, can we both take the rest of the shift off?"

Grey: "Yes of course just make sure Chen is okay!"

Tim: "Thanks sir I will!"

Tim left Grey's office and went to find Lucy. He found her talking to Alex

Tim: "Lucy, we are taking the rest of the shift off, i cleared it with Grey!"

Lucy: "But I should be teaching Hawley I'm his T.O after all!"

Tim: "Im sure he can ride with Harper!"

Alex: "As much as I'm gonna regret this, I can ride with Harper, I've been doing paperwork all morning so it can't be any worse!"

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