Chapter 6

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Lucy: "I dont want to talk right now I need some space"

Lucy walks away.

Celina and Nolan look at eachother.

Nolan: "Maybe I should go after her!"

Celina: "No sir, I will!"

Celina ran after Lucy.

Celina: "Hey Lucy wait up!"

Lucy turned round.

Celina:"Lucy why did you break up with Tim?"

Lucy: "I...I couldn't deal with Isabel anymore and if me and Tim aren't together then she won't bother me!"

Celina: "But you guys are great together and you guys are having a baby!"

Lucy: "Mhm I know and I said to Tim he can still be in the baby's life but I cant do it anymore!"

Celina: "I know what you mean, but you guys need to talk it through, do you really want your baby to be left with Smitty?" She laughed.

Celina: "Look I know how hard it is and with Isabel being around its no better, but she wants you guys to break up so she can have Tim back, but you guys are better than that!"

Lucy: "Well she can have him back. Look I know you're trying to help, but its for the best and everyone including Tim needs to understand that I need some space!"

Celina: "Okay ill tell Grey you're just going to be at your desk for the rest of the shift!"

Lucy: "Thanks!"

Lucy walked away trying not to cry, she sat back at her desk.

To Tim

Nolan walked over to Tim, to see how he was doing!

Nolan: "Hey Tim I heard you and Lucy broke up are you okay?"

Tim: "Look Nolan it's none of your business!"

Nolan: "I know how hard it is to be with Lucy she is constantly changing her mind, but she loves you!"

Tim: "Wait, what do you know about being with Lucy"

Nolan: "I.. er.. is Grey calling me?"

Tim: "Did you two used to date?"

Nolan: "I..erm.. that's not what I said"

Tim started to walk away.

Nolan: "Tim wait, that's not what I meant!"

Tim went to Lucy's desk.

Tim: "YOU USED TO DATE... Nolan!"

Lucy: "What, keep your voice down?"

Tim: "He said he knows how hard it is to be with you, so that means you two dated!"

Lucy: "Tim I can't right now, why does it matter it was ages ago!"

Tim: "So you admit it!"

Lucy: "Do we need to talk about this now, I have work to do!"

Tim: "Yes Lucy we do!"

Lucy: "Fine but not here"

Lucy walked towards Tim's office and he followed after her.

Lucy: "Okay look we used to date, but you don't need to know about that!"

Tim: "I do because I'm your boyfriend.."

Lucy: "We broke up Tim!"

Tim: "You made that clear!"

Lucy: "You know what Isabel was doing was hurting me!"

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