Chapter 1

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"Papa!" A small she-cat yowled rushing up to a black tom. The black tom looked down at her and smiled, "Yes Biscuit?" The small she-cat now known as Biscuit beamed, "I want to make my clan! You know those things you used to always tell me about?" She trotted around the larger cat with a bright smile. "Are you sure?" He asked, staring at the small she-cat. "Yeah! I'll be the... Erm.. uh.. Deputy! And you'll be the leader!" She squealed, tapping her paws.

The black tom chuckled, "We'll have to find a place and rebuild it before looking for others-" "I already have cats in mind!" She smiled, then turned to run off...

She's way too hyper for her age. The black tom thought as he sat waiting for his kit to return.

Sometime later Biscuit returned with two other she-cats. One was a ragdoll and the other a full white cat with bright blue eyes. "Greetings Coldeye." The ragdoll greeted with a head dip. The white she-cat smiled and padded over to Coldeye and bumped heads with him in greetings.

"Hello there, Daffodil and Owl." Coldeye mewed with a small smile. Daffodil sat down while Biscuit began to list off all the things they could do for the new clan.

"So... You want me and Owl to join your little clan...?" Daffodil questioned tilting her head as she thought about it. Biscuit smiled, nodding her head vigorously. "Yes! Yes! We'll become the greatest clan ever!" She squealed, rushing around the three cats. Owl got up and playfully tackled her. The two squealed wrestling each other. Coldeye sighed before standing up. "If we're going to do this, come with me." He meowed and then padded off without another word. Daffodil got Owl and Biscuit and followed the older cat.

The four made it to a place with four trees around it. "This is Fourtrees, where the clans like to meet up at a full moon. This place has some land around it that isn't claimed." Coldeye explained, licking his paw. "But I don't think we'd want this. Windclan and Riverclan tend to keep border checks here." Biscuit blinked before nodding. "What about those huge mountains over there?" She pointed over to 'highstones.' "There are Highstones where leaders go to get their lives from StarClan. Staying there would cause a whole lot of trouble." He then went into deep thought. Biscuit tilted her head before she brightened up with a great idea. "Then we shall stay here!" She beamed.

Coldeye sighed, Owl and Daffodil listening in, well Owl just reading Coldeye's and Biscuit's lips. "Well I guess, but let's find someplace to stay." The four cats got up and split up to find a certain place to call home.

After some time Daffodil and Owl found a place, a clearing with trees covering it. Kind of near but not near the river. They even had the gorge. Fish! Biscuit loved fish, and Coldeye would always help her when the two went fishing together.

"So, now all we need to do is figure out the dens." Biscuit nodded and stood up. "Owl! Come on!" She beamed racing off, Owl following closely behind. Daffodil sighed. "She's going to be a pawful." Coldeye chuckled, "Yep, but she'll make a great leader." He then turned, padding through the clearing. A few caves were found in the ground. They'd make good dens but he'd prefer if it were on the earth. "Help me dig this." He asked Daffodil and started to dig out a small cave in the wall. Daffodil whined but helped knowing the cat was a little too old to do it by himself.

Biscuit and Owl padded across the clearing and found a small place with a weird shelf... Type. The place is perfect for placing herbs or something there. "This will be medicine den!" She beamed, Owl nodded vigorously before sniffing around. Biscuit stared at Owl, 'I will be your medicine cat.' she mouthed or... Squealed inaudible. "Thank you!" Biscuit thanked her and nuzzled the she-cat. "I'll be going now, I'll help you find herbs later." She beamed before turning around to find some other places.

She found a hollowed tree that probably had fallen many moons ago, she made her way through the tree creating an opening in it. "APPRENTICE DEN!" She screamed toward Daffodil and Coldeye. The two stopped their digging and glanced over at Biscuit, Coldeye giving her a nod. She smiled then padded off, shaking off her pelt. She decided to head over to the river for some fishing.

She lowered into a crouch making sure her shadow didn't tower over the water. Her tail twitched as she watched the fish slowly swim around. She unsheathed her claws and then struck, flawlessly catching the trout in one go. The small she picked up the fish but dropped it after getting tackled by some other cat. "OW!" She hissed, after face-planting. Her nose throbbed as she got up and glared at the attacker. The cat had a dark gray pelt and green eyes, his optics pierced into hers. She cowered back but kept her paw on her catch, glaring at him. "What was that for?" She hissed.

"That there is RiverClan prey," he growled, stepping closer. Biscuit let out a growl, lowering her head down getting ready to attack. "Give it and leave or I'll take it by force." He threatened. She scoffed, "I will not! We will soon share the river!" Biscuit yowled, "Wait... RiverClan?" She mumbled getting up and tilted her head at the RiverClan warrior. "You're RiverClan?" The dark tom hissed, "Yes I am now, leave before I make you!" He snapped again.

"I'm Biscuit! My Papa told me a whole bunch about Riverclan and the other clans!" The dark tom rolled his eyes. "I don't care, leave." He spat, stepping closer, His claws unsheathing. Biscuit saw his claws and then arched her back, "You're on OasisClan's territory leave before I rip you to shreds!" She spit, as she got him a warning slash.

"What in the place of no stars is OasisClan? Your Clan or something?" He began to mock her and laugh, Biscuit frowned but kept her stance. "Leave-" A yowl was heard as another cat leaped from the bushes and threw the dark tom onto the ground. It was Coldeye! Biscuit gasped after seeing Coldeye skillfully keep the RiverClanner on the ground. "Woah!" She was flabbergasted. Coldeye hissed as he gripped onto the dark tom's scruff. "Leave our territory before you're ripped to shreds." Coldeye threatened and picked up the tom and threw him into the water. Causing the cat to come up with a large gasp of air. "You'll regret taking Riverclan's prey!" he hissed but turned and rushed away.

"That was so cool!" She giggled, staring at her father with bright glowing eyes. "I know but get that and head home. He'll be telling Frogstar about this." Biscuit blinked before nodding grabbed her fish and padded away. Coldeye stayed back and stared off at Riverclan's territory then to his left at Thunderclan's then at Windclan. He missed his old home, ShadowClan. The tom took a deep breath before turning to pad back to his daughter's clan. He swore that he'd do his best to create the perfect clan his kit wanted. He'd die if he had to just to achieve her goal.

BOOK 1: The Rise of OasisClanWhere stories live. Discover now