Chapter 16

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Littlestar sat at the clearing waiting for everyone to gather. "The ones who will be staying will be Oriolestripe, Blazeclaw, Foxshadow, Russetclaw, Cinderpaw, and Ravenpaw. You will be staying to watch the camp, and two of you will watch the nursery and keep the kits safe. Drizzlestar might try something, so be prepared." They nod, and then Littlestar stood up. "Everyone else follows me." She then led the way out of the camp and toward the four trees.

When they arrived the four clans were already there. "Littlestar!" Chamomiletuft called and smiled at the small she-cat. "Chamomiletuft, how have you been?" Chamomiletuft chuckled, "Excellent. It's been great at Windclan!" Littlestar smiled, "That's great." Shredtail padded up, "Seems the kit has been up'd in the rankings" Littlestar glared at Shredtail, "Seems Shredtail is still bigger than his size," She teased, he scoffed. "Bigger than you'll ever be." Littlestar rolled her eyes and leaped onto the rock but stopped after seeing Blizzardwind in the deputy's spot. "Oh great, seems someone chose a mouse brain for a deputy," Blizzardwind growled. "Shut your maw, littlestar." He huffed and then stared at his paws.

She made her way onto the rock and greeted the other leaders except Drizzlestar. Hedgesnout exclaimed, "Littlestar!" Littlestar smiled. "Are you RiverClan's new leader?" he nodded vigorously. "I am! I'm so glad Troutflicker chose me!" Littlestar nodded, "RiverClan and OasisClan will be allies from now on!" He announced. Littlestar nodded, "Great to hear!" she said as she sat down.

"Shall we start?" Waspstar asked, Jaguarstar nodded. "Let's start, you can go first Waspstar." Waspstar nodded. "WindClan has been fine, but we still have a problem with the dogs. Recently we lost an elder, Lavenderspring. She had died from a bad case of greencough." The cats dipped their heads in respect for the elder. "Other than that we've been fine." She then stepped back and sat down. Hedgestar padded up, "RiverClan has been excellent, great prey, and great environment. Littlestar and OasisClan helped get rid of Fishstar. We are grateful to Littlestar and ask to form an ally between our clans. Do you accept Littlestar?" Littlestar glanced at her clan, all giving her a nod except Boulderspring. Of course, he'll say no. She rolled her eyes then nodded, "Of course, if RiverClan needs anything OasisClan will be right behind them to back them up." Hedgestar nodded then continued. "Recently we had a new warrior and new apprentices. Iciclepaw, Icepaw, and Frogfur." He then stepped back and nodded to Littlestar.

Littlestar cleared her throat and stepped forward. "OasisClan has had the same problems as WindClan, we lost two great warriors this past moon. Coldeye and Dogface, Coldeye's death was caused by Fishstar, and Dogface was mauled by a dog. We have experienced great loss to our clan but have gained many from it." She took a deep breath before continuing. "I have had a litter of five kits. We also had a few cats join us: Clawedhail, Koifish, and their kits; Cinderpaw, Ravenpaw, and Crowpaw." She listed.

Drizzlestar glared at Littlestar. "Leaders can't have kits. It seems OasisClan doesn't follow warrior code!" He snickered, Littlestar turned to glare at him. "Drizzlestar. Ashpelt of Shadowclan has also decided to stay with OasisClan." She announced and puffed out her chest. "Recently Drizzlestar, Robinwing, and their medicine cat Brokenreed. Trespassed on our territory, it was at a bad time and they witnessed Dogface's body after he was brought back. Robinwing kept bothering us while we were grieving for our beloved Dogface which resulted in her scarred throat." The cats gasped, and Boulderspring chuckled. Robinwing's fur bristled. "She attacked me for no reason. As a mother I was trying my best to comfort her!" She defended, but a cat spoke up. "Oh shut your maw, everyone knows you'll only care when you need something!" Koifish spoke up, "I don't care if you were her sister! She is in another clan which means you were trespassing! I don't want to hear it!" She snapped.

Robinwing growled, flicking her tail, "Enough, Robinwing and Drizzlestar, you both always cause so much trouble at these gatherings."Waspstar spoke up, her tail flicking with annoyance. "If you want to cry about how another cat is treating you, do it at ShadowClan, we don't need your mewls at a warrior meeting if you want to whine and head to your nursery." Littlestar stared at Waspstar with wide eyes and her jaw dropped.

Robinwing growled before sitting down. Drizzlestar glared at Waspstar, the she-cat rolled her eyes. "Jaguarstar you may start." Jaguarstar nodded before speaking. "Thunderclan has been great for the past few days, we had a little trouble with foxes but that was all. Drizzlestar you may start." He said as he stepped back.

"Nothing's happened to ShadowClan, but we've had a hard time with prey. Something has been taking our prey and we're still investigating. But that doesn't mean ShadowClan is weak. So don't get any ideas Littlestar." He growled.

Littlestar scoffed and kept at her side, Hedgestar glared at Drizzlestar, "Watch yourself Drizzlestar, RiverClan had about enough of you." He hissed. Drizzlestar's fur bristled but the cats gasped after the moon was covered by clouds. "StarClan is angry!" Cardinalspruce yowled, Hedgestar and Littlestar stood up. "Well I guess that means this gathering is over, OasisClan let's head out!" Littlestar called then leaped off the rock, Drizzlestar leaped down and rushed at Ashpelt. Littlestar had seen this and raced over, slamming herself into Drizzlestar's side. Ashpelt was taken aback by the sudden attempt to attack him, his wounded eye still closed.

"Drizzlestar!" Robinwing raced over and snarled at Littlestar, the small calico snarled, backing her torso to Ashpelt's chest. "Stay away from my clan! Or I'll rip that throat of yours again!" She threatened then used her tail to guide Ashpelt. "C'mon," Ashpelt stared at his mother before frowning and turning to pad with his sister. His heart broke even more after seeing his 'father's' attack against him.

Drizzlestar hisses then gets up, "ShadowClan will have war with OasisClan! Prepare Littlestar!" He announced Waspstar and Jaguarstar exchanged glances before padding off with their clan. Hedgestar huffed, then followed Littlestar and her clan out of the slope. "I suggest you prepare Drizzlestar." Was heard from Clawedhail as they left.

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