Chapter 17

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Littlestar padded through the clearing and leaped onto the rock, "May all those who are old enough to catch their prey gather together for a clan meeting!" She yowled. Everyone began to gather, her five kits rushed up with big smiles. Wolfkit is the reserved one. Littlestar smiled after seeing how grown her kits were. "Today we have a very important announcement. Kits will be joining the apprentices' den today."

Foxshadow smiled as she waited for the kits to get their ceremonies. "You five have reached the age of six moons and are ready for apprenticeship." Littlestar shifted her paws. "From this moment on you will be known as Wolfpaw, Coldpaw, Kestrelpaw, Snowpaw, and Lilypaw." Littlestar took a deep breath before continuing.

"Will Foxshadow step forward?" Foxshadow mewled, "You have received excellent training from me and are ready for mentorship. From this moment on you will be training Wolfpaw. I am sure you will teach him everything you know." She then gestured to Ashpelt. "Even though you haven't been in OasisClan for very long, I believe you will make a great warrior and mentor."

"Snowpaw, you will be trained by Ashpelt."

"Russetclaw, you've shown your skills and loyalty to OasisClan and you are ready for your first apprentice in OasisClan. You will be mentoring Kestrelpaw, I am sure you will teach him everything you know."

"Boulderspring, you were one of the firsts to join OasisClan. I believe you will be the best for one of my kits' mentors. You will be mentoring Lilypaw, I know you will teach her well."

"Coldpaw, you will be trained by myself. I will try my best to train you the best I can." She then leaped down and touched noses with Coldpaw.

"Clan dismissed, Daffodiltail watch the clan while I take Coldpaw out for some training." Daffodiltail smiled before nodding.

After that, Littlestar tapped Coldpaw's shoulder, "Come on." She smiled and then guided him out of the camp. Coldpaw followed without question, as they padded through the forest Coldpaw stopped and asked, "What's it like being a leader?" Littlestar froze and turned. "Stressful at times but I'm always happy to see my clan strive and be healthy." She smiled and explained. "Though I'd prefer that my father were still here as an elder."

Coldpaw tilted his head, "Your father? What was his name?" Littlestar smiled, "His name was Coldeye, you were named after him." Coldpaw hummed, "What was he like?" Littlestar thrilled, "He was amazing, the best dad I could've asked for. He taught me everything I know now, he's the reason I'm so caring toward everyone. He taught me that being kind is a whole lot better than hating everyone." She explained, Coldpaw stared at his mother with big eyes.

"What happened to him?" Littlestar frowned, "RiverClan's former leader, Fishstar, pushed him off the great rock in Fourtrees. He broke his back and was far too old to live through it, so he died during a gathering." Coldpaw stared at his paws. "Oh, I bet that was tough." Littlestar nodded, "It was, but I had to put my clan first and go through the pain. It became even harder when I had you all and Dogface had died." Coldpaw flinched, his eyes widened. "Dogface? Isn't that my dad?" Littlestar nodded.

"Your father had died an honorable death, he and Boulderspring fought a dog off but sacrificed himself to keep you, your littermates, and myself safe. He didn't care for the clan but since I was the leader, I guess he decided to die for it." She sighed.

Coldpaw stared at the ground, "this is Fourtrees." Coldpaw looked up and stared at Fourtrees. "This is where Gatherings are held. If you look to our left, that is Windclan's territory, don't trespass over there." Coldpaw nodded, and Littlestar began to pad again, Coldpaw slowly following, taking in everything around them.
Littlestar was deep in thought as they padded over to the log that allowed them to travel to ThunderClan's part.

When they got there they saw Shredtail and his apprentice Blackpaw padded toward their side of the river. "That there is Shredtail, the deputy of ThunderClan." Coldpaw gasped and woah'd. "What are they doing?" He asked, Littlestar shrugged. "Probably training."

"Now, come here, and let's start catching fish." She lowered into a crouch, her head keeping away from the water's surface. "When you hunt don't let your shadow cast over the water. It'll scare off your prey." Coldpaw nodded, then lowered and did the same. His head lowered to the point he couldn't even see the water. Littlestar chuckled, "I mean keep your head up to where you can see, don't keep it too low or you'll miss your dinner." She laughed. Coldpaw huffed, "I knew that!" He grumbled then fixed his position.

"Now strike!" She called, Coldpaw flinched but unsheathed his claws and struck. His claws latched onto the fish, and using his maw he picked it up. "Great! Just like that but be more quick with those teeth. Or you'll lose grip and lose the fish." Coldpaw nodded and held the fish.

"Let's head back, I think that'll be all for today." She waved her tail at Shredtail before padding away with Coldpaw. As they pad through the forest, Littlestar hears a bark. She turned and saw a medium-sized black dog rushing toward her and Coldpaw.

Before she could even think straight she shoved Coldpaw out of the way and threw him into an old fox burrow. Coldpaw let out a yelp, as Littlestar arched her back and snarled at the dog.

Her eyes were wide and her pupils dilated. She spat and struck the dog, the dog growled and lunged at her. Its teeth got her leg, she screamed bloody murder and as the dog threw her by her leg into a tree. She yelped and slowly got up, "COLDPAW GO GET HELP!" She yowled to her son and rushed at the dog, if she died here she'd make sure to drive this dog off before anything else.

The dog jumped back and nipped at her shoulder, ignoring the pain she lunged at them and clawed its front legs. The dog yelped and slammed its paw onto her head, making her face plant into the earth. She hissed in pain, and the dog panted and stomped her again and again. She rolled onto her back and got the dog's legs into a fit of scratches.

The dog growled and bit at Littlestar's throat, she yowled and struck at the dog's eye. When Coldpaw arrived on the scene with Boulderspring, Spottedbreeze, Blazeclaw, and Cinderpaw. Boulderspring snarled and rushed at the dog, Blazeclaw behind to back him up. Cinderpaw raced over to help them, but the two warriors already had the dog whining and running away.

"Littlestar!" Spottedbreeze called and sat beside the gasping leader. Boulderspring rushed over with the other two behind him. Growling in anger, Coldpaw watched his mother with fear. Spottedbreeze patted Littlestar's head, "You'll be okay. It'll hurt for a bit but you'll heal." She calmed the panicking leader. Littlestar took a final gasp before falling limp.

Littlestar awoke in a starry place. Her eyes widened after seeing a faded calico that looked like her. Coldeye appeared and sat down, "You've lost a life. You have eight more, use them wisely." Littlestar smiled weakly before nodding. "I'll try my best, Father." Coldeye, frowned. "One of your kin will turn their back on the clan. They will serve a purpose for another and will create a pool of blood." Coldeye spoke with hurt in his voice, Tinypelt padded up and dipped her head to Littlestar. "Remember, Littlestar. Keep your clan safe before anyone else, or you'll bring your ownself down. Put your clan before other clans." She and Coldeye then disappeared.

Littlestar awoke in the camp inside her den. Her throat throbbed but she got up and made her way to the clearing. "Littlestar!" Coldpaw wailed and rushed up to his mother. "Are you okay? Do you need anything?" Coldpaw asked. Littlestar chuckled and nodded. "I'm fine but I'd like something to eat." Coldpaw nodded before running off.

Boulderspring and Daffodiltail padded over, "Are you feeling okay?" Daffodiltail asked, her voice full of worry. Boulderspring only glared at her. "I'm fine." Kestrelpaw and Lilypaw padded over, Kestrelpaw smiled weakly at his mother and laid his chin on her shoulder. Lilypaw laid her forehead on Littlestar's shoulder. "I'm fine really, I just lost a life." She smiled weakly, forgetting the fact that Coldeye had told her a prophecy. Who would even be that? I mean Ashpelt could but he's already seen the intentions of Robinwing and Drizzlestar.

Asphalt padded over, "I'm glad you're okay. I wondered about you for a while." He smiled awkwardly, it seemed he still wasn't used to OasisClan. "I'm glad that mutt didn't take all my lives!" She smiled. "Now everyone back to work, Coldpaw go with Boulderspring and Lilypaw for training for a while so I can recover."

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