Chapter 18

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The prophecy Coldeye had addressed was eating away at Littlestar. She had kept an eye on all of her kin, even the whole clan, but none of them seemed suspicious. She padded through the forest with the border patrol, Coldpaw, Foxshadow, and her apprentice Wolfpaw, and Clawedhail were with her.
Clawedhail was the one leading the patrol, Littlestar was still healing so she decided to take it slower than usual. Coldpaw glanced at Wolfpaw and talked for a while. Littlestar sniffed around, "Wait." She interrupted and stood still listening to the surroundings. Foxshadow tasted the air and snarled, "Dogs!" She hissed. "That's on WindClan!" Clawedhail announce.

Littlestar huffed until two of WindClan's apprentices raced at them. "Help us!" One of them cried. Look after your own clan before others... Raced through her head but she shook it away. "Clawedhail, Foxshadow attack the dogs while Wolfpaw and Coldpaw go get help." She ordered then lunged toward the apprentices.

"Get behind me!" She snarled and puffed herself up and hissed at the dogs. Foxshadow and Clawedhail did the same and snarled and struck at the dogs, scaring them back. The two trembling apprentices were behind them cowering in fear. "S... Shellpaw's still out there!" Littlestar glanced over to them, "What!?" She hissed. "We... We were out helping Shellpaw with gathering herbs and we ran into the dogs. We had a warrior with us but he was attacked by both of them and they went for us and Shellpaw disappeared!" Littlestar growled. "Keep these dogs back, and wait for help. I'm going with these apprnetices to find that apprentice. Don't get hurt!" She hissed then gestured for the apprentices to guide her. Foxshadow stared at Littlestar before sighing and her and Clawedhail distracted the dogs.

"Over here!" Springpaw shouted and leaped into a slope, a cream she-cat was laying on her side with blood pooling from her legs. "Shellpaw!" Another cat was laying beside her, they had a White fur with gray spots but their fur was dripping with the red metallic liquid. They breathed heavily as they were going in and out of consciousness. "Longear!" Alderpaw called and rushed over to them.

Littlestar grabbed Shellpaw, "Get Longear and show me the way to your camp!" Springpaw and Alderpaw glanced at each other before nodding. Putting the larger warrior onto their back they carried and guided Littlestar back to their camp. When they arrived the cats snarled and spat at Littlestar but stopped when they saw the cat carrying one of their own. "Shellpaw!?" Lavenderwing yowled and rushed over to Littlestar taking Shellpaw from her. "What'd you do!?" She hissed, Littlestar stared at Shellpaw and sighed. "Springpaw and Alderpaw stopped us at our border and asked for help since they were being attacked by dogs. And I choose to help, Foxshadow and Clawedhail was left to fight the dogs alone, but we had our apprentices go get help before I left." Waspstar padded up.

"Littlestar, I get that you have a kind-heart but you need to put yourself and your clan before others. I am thankful that you saved our apprentices but start thinking about your own." Littlestar frowned, "I couldn't let those apprentices die!" Waspstar growled, "That's not what I meant! What I meant was staying and keepign beside those clanmates of yours! They could be dead right now and you're here helping another clan out!" She spat, Littlestar flinched. "I get that Coldeye taught you to love others even if they're mean or rude to you, but start disobeying that and learn to be selfish at times like these." Waspstar scolded the younger leader. "You're still young, to young to be a leader. You're still naive and too kind for this kind of world." Waspstar scowled. "Either get tough or we'll have to chase you and your clan out for good, we don't need a kittypet-minded leader running aorund in these forests. We already have Drizzlestar to worry about." She then turned away. "Go home and never come back." She spat then padded away. Chamomiletuft stared at Littlestar. The calico she-cat stared at her paws before nodding and making her way out of the camp. "Sorry..." Hawkstorm stepped forward and spoke up, "I'll take her back." Chamomiletuft nodded then rushed over to help Freckleivy with her two patients.

Hawkstorm padded alongside Littlestar through the moors. "Waspstar is right, Littlestar." Littlestar flinched but nodded, "I know... I just." She stopped but sighed. "I don't want anyone to hurt, I don't want to see other's cry because of a death. It hurts to see others cry..." She muttered, Hawkstorm shook his head. "You'll be hurt ten-times more with that mindset. Coldeye and Dogface died protecting and serving the clan, they wouldn't be happy if you died from being so naive that you risked your own life over another clan." Littlestar looked up, "But... If I can do something, I can't just stay there and do nothing!" Hawkstorm stopped and glared at Littlestar.

"Did Waspstar help you when Fishstar pushed Coldeye off the Great Rock?" Littlestar flinched, "Did Waspstar, Jaguarstar, or Drizzlestar help when you had trouble with RiverClan?" Littlestar frowned. "Did Chamomiletuft and Shredtail help you when you were agruing with Drizzlestar and Robinwing during those gatherings?" Littlestar stayed silent. "They didn't because you weren't their own, you weren't their clan. They have no care for you. Your clan does, the loyalty they have serves to you." He growled. "If you want to be a good leader, start acting more mature and keep your clan safe even if it means having war with another clan." He hissed, "What about you and Cardinalspruce...? Hedgestar?" Hawkstorm scowled. "EVEN US! Just because we have a relation with Coldeye doesnt' mean we'll help you out whenever we had too! Heck we'd leave you all to die if we had too, I keep my loyalty to my clan." He scowled.

"Hedgestar only asked for an allegiance because they have a debt to pay, not because he wanted to be friends. When you become a leader you need to let go of your kindness and be more selfish. Stay with your own and tend to your own. It was a nice thing to help Alderpaw and Springpaw but that'll get yourself and your clan killed. Teach those kits and aprpetnices of yours to be selfish when it comes to their clan and to keep their loyalty to their clan." He spat.

"Get out and never come back. The only time I want to see your face is when we're at war, at a gathering, or during a border patrol." Littlestar trembled with sadness, her lip quivering. "FINE! DON'T ASK OASISCLAN FOR ANYTHING ELSE! IF YOU WANT SELFISHNESS I'LL GIVE IT TO YOU!" She hissed then shoved past Hawkstorm and raced back to her side of the territory.

Hawkstorm watched Littlestar race off. He began to cough harshly and sigh, "She must've been a pawful." He chuckled then turned and slowly made his way back to camp. "I'm glad I got to meet her, Coldeye. But you didn't teach her the way of the clans and I'm disappointed in you for that." Hawkstorm smirked, "then again you didn't teach me that either." He chuckled lowly. "And I'm still learning from that." He then padded into the slope.

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