Chapter 2

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The four cats had grown accustomed to their new home. The food was filled up enough to last them a while. Owl and Daffodil had the herbs all stocked up. Biscuit and Coldeye kept the fresh-kill up and full. They created their new border scents. They have a feeling that the surrounding clans realize their border scents now. The full moon was getting closer, Coldeye didn't know what they should do about it but he figured they should just show up or something.

Recently Daffodil brought back two toms, Dog and Boulder. Saying they wanted to join our little clan or whatever and of course, Biscuit spoke first and allowed them before Coldeye could even say anything. Coldeye thought about heading over to Highstones to claim his name and lives but he was far too old for such an honor, he also doubted StarClan's choice. The tom had done some questionable things in his life before Biscuit was born so he doubts that StarClan would accept him.

Coldeye took a deep breath before leaping onto the makeshift rock that he and Daffodil had created a while ago. "May all those who are old enough to catch their prey gather together for a Clan Meeting!" Coldeye yowled and sat down curling his tail around his paws. Everyone gathered, Biscuit was thrilled by the call of a meeting. Her eyes brightened up the whole camp.

"There is a Full-moon tonight, which is a gathering of all four clans, but since we are still small and unknown we will have to make ourselves known. We will not be going to the gathering tonight." Biscuit frowned but understood, the small she knew they'd probably get jumped.

"With that being said I'd like everyone willing to get a new name. A name that represents your new role in this new clan. A name like mine but that resembles you." Biscuit squealed and nodded vigorously. Of course, Coldeye knew she wanted one. She wouldn't stop speaking about it during the camp setting.
"Does everyone agree?" The old tom questioned everyone, including Owl nodded. "Then I shall begin these ceremonies." He cleared his throat and leaped off the rock.

"Biscuit, from today on you will be known as Littlepool. StarClan honors your Enthusiasm and Spirit." He rested his muzzle on her head, she squealed in excitement. He then did the rest to the normal ranks.

"Daffodil, from today on you will be known as Daffodiltail. StarClan honors your Loyalty."

"Boulder, from today on you will be known as Boulderspring. StarClan honors your Wisdom."

Dog, from today on you will be known as Dogface. StarClan honors your strength. OasisClan welcomes you all as OasisClan's warriors!" He then stepped back then made his way to Owl. She purred in delight, sitting in place and waiting to read his lips.

"Owl, it is not my job to give your medicine cat name but you haven't had a mentor to train you so I will give your name. Owl, from this day forward you will be known as Owlwing. StarClan honors your Compassion and Intelligence. We welcome you as our very first medicine cat." He dipped his head to Owlwing. She let out an inaudible noise before getting greeted by an over-excited Littlepool.

"Now that's over, our deputy will be of course Littlepool. She may be young but she's the reason we created this clan. I would've given her the leader role but she pressured me to take it since she doesn't know how a real clan functions." He explained, "You're dismissed, Littlepool start-up Patrols."

"Okay! Everyone gather!" She called. Coldeye smiled staring at his daughter with love-filled eyes. She was growing to become a great leader.

His eyes filled with grief and hatred. He wished that she had grown up in a clan but his former clan had accused him of such horrible crimes. Coldeye had been accused of murdering the clan's medicine cat or attempting to. He growled remembering the backstab of his one and only mate... If it were up to him he would make sure Littlepool would never meet her mother, after all her mother only wanted kits to create them into her little puppets. To become high ranking in the clan so she'd be deemed a great mother. Coldeye will never allow Littlepool down that path, not as long as he's alive.

BOOK 1: The Rise of OasisClanWhere stories live. Discover now