Chapter 13

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Littlestar padded through the clearing with Foxshadow beside her. Heavy with kits she grew accustomed to the heaviness. "When will your kits be here?" Foxshadow asked while sniffing Littlestar's stomach. "Soon, very soon. I can feel it." Littlestar smiled brightly, during the past few moons she's been getting better with her grief. Before she could barely smile, unless it was a fake one.

Suddenly Littlestar stopped after she felt a weird pain. "Ow.." She mumbled, looking down at her stomach, which is where the pain had come from. "Are you okay?" Foxshadow asked, sniffing her former mentor, Littlestar hissed after the sudden pain throbbed again. "I... I think they're coming..." She muttered as she turned and rushed to the nursery, Foxshadow's fur bristled and she rushed to get Owlwing. "OWLWING!" All Littlestar could hear as she curled up in her nest and started to whimper in pain, the contractions hurting so bad.

Owlwing and Daffodiltail rushed into the den, Daffodiltail turned back and left as soon as she arrived. Leaving Owlwing to care for the kitting leader. Littlestar cried as she had more contractions. Spottedbreeze rushed into the den and sat beside Owlwing as she prepared the herbs for Littlestar. Spottedbreeze massaged Littlestar's stomach as she prepared to push.

Suddenly even more agonizing pain was inflicted on Littlestar causing her to yowl in pain as she began to push. The yowl caused Dogface to wince and hope his mate was safe and okay after the birthing.

After the painful experience, Littlestar curled her tail around her kits. "Five." Spottedbreeze announced, "Three toms and two shes." Spottedbreeze purred before standing up. "I'll tell Dogface to come in, rest well." She dipped her head and then padded out.

Littlestar examined the kits, one was like his father a Siamese, one had dark gray fur like his grandfather, the last tom had a gray tabby pelt, and the two she-cats were a beautiful solid white. Which reminded her of snow and the clouds. Dogface pushed his way into the den and pureed with joy. "So beautiful!" He croaked as he choked back a cry. Sitting beside the kits and his mate.

"Should we name them?" Dogface hummed licking one of the she-kits. Littlestar purred, tapping her tail onto the Siamese kit. "Name him," she offered as she lapped the Siamese kit's head. Dogface smiled, "Hmm, maybe Kestrelkit?"

"Beautiful." Littlestar mewed, then tapped the dark gray tom. "Coldkit." She smiled with grief-filled eyes. Dogface huffed, "It'll suit him well, especially with the honor of sharing the same name as Coldeye." Dogface smiles brightly. Littlestar's heart leaped after that but she tapped the gray tabby. "What about him?" Dogface hummed, staring at the kit. "Wolfkit." "Cute." She then went onto the she-kit.

"You can name the two of them," Dogface offered, Littlestar smiled brightly. "Snowkit and Lilykit, they resemble the beauty of snow and those flowers." She purred, licking her only she-kits. Dogface huffed then gave her a lick on the cheek. "They got your beauty," Littlestar blushed before chuckling. "I'm going to take a nap," Dogface nodded before curling beside the kits. "I'll make sure they keep warm, rest dear." Littlestar laid her head down and closed her eyes, she wished this moment would last forever.

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