Chapter 6

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The kits that the border patrol had found had stayed at the clan for a while. A moon has passed since then. They were all healed and ready for their ceremonies. Coldeye had called a meeting for them which was where everyone gathered. "Today we have three kits that are ready for the jobs of apprentices. Will you three step forward?" The three old kits padded forward. "You all will be known as Dawnpaw, Redpaw, and Oriolepaw." He announced. The clan then cheered their names. "Dawnpaw, your mentor will be Boulderspring." Boulderspring stood up and padded over to Dawnpaw, touching noses with her.

"Redpaw, you will be trained by Dogface." He watched Dogface pad over and touch noses with the apprentice like Boulderspring had done. "Oriolepaw, you will be trained by myself." He announced then leaped off the rock and touched noses with the apprentice. "That will be all, Littlepool start-up patrols." Littlepool smiled before nodding. "Everyone gather for patrols!" All the warriors began to gather for the patrols. "Daffodiltail and Boulderspring, you will go out for a border patrol." The two nodded, Boulderspring's new apprentice gulped before staring at her paws. "Dogface and Brokenspirit, you will go on a Hunting patrol. Bring back two pieces of prey, Redpaw bring whatever you can back." She smiled and then stood up. "You're dismissed." The warriors then disband and head out for their assigned patrols.

"Papa! Are you going to head out for training?" Coldeye nodded, "Yeah so keep here and make sure nothing happens." Littlepool nodded, "I will!" She squealed then sat in the clearing keeping guard.

Squeaks were heard, coming from the nursery. Littlepool glanced over and blinked, the kits ran out and squealed. Play fighting with each other, Spottedbreeze watched them making sure they wouldn't stray too far. "Blazekit be careful! Don't hurt your sister too much." Spottedbreeze meowed, cleaning her pelt.

Blazekit and Foxkit rolled over to Littlepool, the small cat chuckling, tapping them.



"You scared me..." The ginger she-kit muttered.

"Hah! Nothing scares me!" Blazekit her brother meowed, puffing out his chest.

Littlepool chuckled, "Oh yeah?" She stood up and leaped at Blazekit, making him scream. "AH!" He raced back to his mother with a pout. "That wasn't fair!" He hissed cowering behind Spottedbreeze, who was laughing her heart out.

"See you're scared." Littlepool laughed, Foxkit turned to look up at Littlepool, "Will you be one of our mentors?" Littlepool froze, then looked down at the kit. "What?" Foxkit kept a small smile on her face. "Will you be our mentor?" Littlepool grew silent staring up at the trees. "It's up to Coldeye, he's the leader after all!" She chuckled, "But I'll ask him if I could train one of you!" Foxkit squealed. "Okay!" She then turned around to pad away but she stopped and rushed to hide behind Littlepool after hearing a snarl from the entrance.

"Seems we have some traitors on our paws." Littlepool hissed, pinning her ears as Fishstar and her patrol padded their way into the camp. Spottedbreeze hissed getting up and getting into a defensive stance. "Oasisclan must love taking cats from other places, am I right? You have two of our best warriors, Brokenspirit and Spotttedbreeze." Fishstar's voice is toneless. Littlepool's fur bristled, her eyes wide with fear... Were all clan cats like her? No her father isn't like her, Brokenspirit and Spottedbreeze aren't either. Why is she like this?

"Leave or I'll have to force you!" Foxkit screamed after Littlepool got tackled by Blizzardwind. His claws digging into her shoulders caused her to yelp in pain. She hissed glaring up at him clawed at his underbelly and kicked him off. Spottedbreeze rushed over to Foxkit and grabbed her. Halfwhisker the white cat who had beaten Dogface stopped Spottedbreeze from going away near the nursery.

BOOK 1: The Rise of OasisClanWhere stories live. Discover now