Chapter 15

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Littlestar made her way to the clearing with her kits behind her, Foxshadow, Oriolestripe, and Spottedbreeze were sitting waiting for her kits. They were finally three moons, soon they'll become apprentices, and sheesh Littlestar's ready for them to leave the nursery.

Boulderspring sat on the warm rock, sunbathing. Daffodiltail was eating a squirrel, and Owlwing was sitting at the entrance of her den with Ashpelt. Drizzlestar had attacked and left Ashpelt, so the tom was staying at OasisClan. He hadn't asked to join yet, so Littlestar gave him some time to think it over.

He and Owlwing had grown closer and closer. Littlestar could tell Owlwing had caught feelings for her brother, they'd make a great couple too. Littlestar sat down as Lilykit and Snowkit went to tackle and beat up Oriolestripe, Wolfkit sat beside Foxshadow and laid his head onto her paw, Kestrelkit and Coldkit were playing with Spottedbreeze. Kestrelkit and Snowkit were vicious ones, well they all were but Wolfkit wasn't as active as them.

Russetclaw padded over with a mouse in his maw, "Anyone hungry?" Wolfkit jumped up and mewed, "Me!" He squealed rushing over, Daffodiltail padded over chuckling. Boulderspring following. "Seems one of them got their mother's love for food." She teased Littlestar causing her to huff, "Nuh uh! I'm not always excited for food." She defended with a pout, "Oh really? Like that time you fought Owlwing because she took your favorite mouse back at the barn?" Littlestar gasped before whining. "That was one time!"

Boulderspring stared at Kestrelkit, Littlestar caught him staring at her kit and it made her feel weird. "Say, when will you have kits?" Littlestar asked with a bright smile. "I really wanna see your kits!" Daffodiltail gasped and shook her head. "Oh dear no! I'm not looking forward to kits just yet." Littlestar frowned, "Bummer, it's a shame." She then bumped shoulders with Daffodiltail, "I dream that our kits would get together in the future so we could be family!" Daffodiltail shook her head, "I prefer not, we can be family in our hearts." Littlestar glared at her, "Fine! I don't wanna be family with you anyway!" She grumbled and stomped off, Daffodiltail rolled her eyes and gathered the warriors for patrols.

The patrols arrived back but there was yowling, Littlestar jumped up and rushed over. "What happened?" She called as she looked around. "Trespassers!" Boulderspring snapped and slashed at the white tom which ducked and tackled Boulderspring. The calico she-cat snarled and rushed at Daffodiltail, "ENOUGH!" Littlestar yelled, his fur bristling.

The cats stop and turn to her, her eyes glowing with anger. "Boulderspring and Daffodiltail get away from them," She growled, Boulderspring kicked off the white tom and got up. Grumbling as Daffodiltail stood up and snarled at the she-cat. "They have kits." Dawnskip announced, "I've seen." Littlestar then got in between them, the clan cats circled them just in case. "Now why are you here?"

The white tom sat down while giving Boulderspring a glare, "We're looking for a place to stay, we heard about a clan called OasisClan which takes in travelers or cats that are in need." Littlestar blinked before nodding, "Yes we do. As the leader I've been creating this clan as a kind one, who will help cats who are in need." She smiled. "Now what's your name?"

"Clawedhail, that is my mate Koifish. And our kits." The calico she-cat dipped her head.

"So you're clan cats?"

"We were exiled by Fishstar many moons ago for taking the former medicine cat's side during a harsh time." Clawedhail sighed, Koifish tapped her nose onto his shoulder and he nodded. "We had accused Fishstar of murdering Frogstar after that badger attack. The medicine cat at the time was Rainpaws, she was a loving cat but Fishstar had drawn the line when she tried to say the leader had sacrificed herself to save the clan." Koifish continued. Spottedbreeze and Russetclaw stepped forward. "Fishstar messed up RiverClan so badly that she lost two of her great warriors." Spottedbreeze meowed, Russetclaw nodded. "Littlestar put RiverClan's problems into her own and took Fishstar out of the picture. Even a kind-hearted Littlestar couldn't handle her." Koifish gasped, "Fishstar's dead?" Littlestar nodded. Ashpelt sat near his littermate and glanced at her. "She killed Coldeye, my father during a gathering. Pushed him off the rock, he was far too old to be leading but since we made it for the fun of it, he took over the leader role to show us how it would go, and it cost him his life after he accused Fishstar of Frogstar's murder." Littlestar explained. "If we ever go back to war, we'll be attacking ShadowClan." Littlestar continued and placed her tail onto her paws.

"ShadowClan... wait... Coldeye? HE'S DEAD!?" Koifish stood up with her jaw on the floor. "How in the StarClan is he dead!?" Boulderspring stood up, "He died from a broken back and he was too old to even get treated correctly so he died there after getting pushed off." Koifish stared at Boulderspring with wide eyes. Shocked at the information. "Coldeye? Wasn't he famous for his battle skills or something?" Clawedhail asked with confusion. "Yes! He and Robinwing had kits! I'm sure those kits are excellent warriors now!" Koifish squealed, and Ashpelt flinched, and looked at his paws. Littlestar glared at her, "Robinwing isn't a mother, she may have birthed us but she will never be a mother. If I were to call someone mother it'd be Spottedbreeze." Spottedbreeze smiled softly, Koifish frowned. "Yeah, Robinwing only got with Coldeye so she could have strong kits, she's always had a hunger for power." She rolled her eyes. "Coldeye's your father then?" Littlestar nodded, Ashpelt's fur pricked. "Littlestar grew up with him as her father, but I grew up thinking he was the villain and that Drizzlestar wasn't. Now I know who the real bad ones are." Littlestar nodded, "They manipulated him to think Coldeye killed me and raced off to the barn after getting caught after attempting Brokenreed's death. But he learned their real intentions recently." Ashpelt nodded. Koifish sighed. "You poor thing, if you do go to war with ShadowClan I'd like to beat that little medicine cat of theirs. She's such a big mouth and stuck up." She growled, Littlestar smirked. "You're allowed to join, I'll do a meeting now." The kits beamed.

"Today, we have new clan-mates. Koifish and Clawedhail and their kits. I'll be giving their kits their apprentice ceremonies now. Will you three step up?" She asked her smile bright. The three hesitated but stepped forward. "You three are ready for your apprentice's ceremonies. I give you three of your names, from the moment on until the day of your warrior ceremony you will be known as Cinderpaw, Ravenpaw, and Crowpaw and we welcome you all as apprentices of OasisClan."

"Cinderpaw, your mentor will be...  Oriolestripe. He has been an excellent warrior recently and is ready for mentorship." She then gazed at Ravenpaw, "Ravenpaw, your mentor will be... Redsmoke, I am sure he will be an excellent mentor for you." Then she laid her eyes on Crowpaw. "Crowpaw your mentor will be Owlwing, she will treat you excellently but her training will be a bit harsh since she has a hard time concentrating." Littlestar then leaped off the rock, "You're all dismissed."

"Daffodiltail," Littlestar called as she sat down in front of the Big Rock. Daffodiltail padded up with a big smile, "Yeah?"

"Have everyone get ready for the gathering in a few days. We'll need to keep a few cats here." Daffodiltail nodded then padded off. Littlestar stared at the nursery and then made her way over, hoping that nothing would happen during the gathering while she was gone.

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