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Athena Jones
Few weeks later

I look at my dad lying on the bed, it's like I can barely see him, he looks worse than he did few weeks ago, I thought the chemotherapy was supposed to make him better? Wasn't it? Why was he not getting better.

"Do you need anything to drink?" I ask him in sign language.

He shakes his head no, he's still in a weak state, his eyes are closed, his expression is neutral, his breathing is slow and shallow it feels like every breath could be the last, and it breaks my heart.

"We'll take over," my mother and aunt entered the room. My mom pulls me in a hug as I watched my aunt put some medicines beside the bed dad was lying on.

I don't even know how they're handling this. My mother has always been strong while dealing with emotional situations I knew that, but my aunt? I don't how she's taking seeing her brother like this.

My mom tries to get my attention so she could tell me everything is going to be okay and not worry, but I just can't take my eyes off my dad, it was like every breath was slowly fading into my nightmare becoming a reality.

I wanted to believe this was another sickness and he is going to get better, but it's been weeks, and he isn't showing any signs of improvement and to be honest I don't even know what to think but just hope for a miracle.

I pull away from my mother as she says "The dinner would be ready in an hour," she nods at me as I nod back and walk towards the door

I nod at my mom, I don't have an appetite today, I haven't had it since my dad has been like this.

I'm not sure if it even matters if I eat, it's like the only thing I do now is worry and think about my dad. I walk out of the room and go straight towards the bathroom.

I lock the door behind me and lean against the wall, taking in a few deep breaths as I try to clear my head, but it's not happening.

Tears started crawling down my cheeks, this was probably the 20th time I've cried about this in the past few weeks.

My dad was going to be... die, my dad was going to die.

I sat down to the floor, burying my face in my knees, as more tears crawled down my cheeks, it wasn't fair. I didn't get it.

I took a few more breaths, trying to control this overwhelming emotion.

I wiped my tears, I could see them in the bathroom mirror behind me as I stared at myself, I turned my head towards the bathroom window the sky was covered in orange and red shade. I was supposed to be near the lake, was supposed to meet Malfoy.

Meeting Malfoy at the sunset had became a routine now, it's the only constant for now.

I wipe a tear from my face before leaning over the bathroom sink and splashing water on my face

I stood there looking at the water run down my face.

If someone was to ask me how I was doing, I'd tell them I was fine, I'd tell them that I'm managing.

But I wasn't.

I was falling apart, my world was crashing down on me, my life is slipping away from my hands and I wasn't able to hold on to it. It's like my feet are glued to the floor, and no matter how many times I try to get out, I just can't seem to move.

I start walking towards the stairs when I see my mom and aunt coming from inside the room, the worried expressions on their faces tells me that they have just been talking to my dad, my heart sinks even more.

Malfoy | Draco Malfoy [Book1](Unedited!)Where stories live. Discover now